16. Splintered Wood

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It was the early morning and I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen. The back door was open and let in a cool breeze while to my right a pot of hot water boiled on the stove. Damen sat nearby peeling potatos with a small knife. Every once in awhile he would look up at me, his gaze soft and hesitant, but he would say nothing. He still didnt have a firm grasp on the situation but I think he was holding back on asking questions until I was more mentally sound.

"What's taking him so long?" I grumbled while pacing.

"He's only been gone a few hours." Damen stated. "Give him time. I'm sure he will find him."

When Christian hadn't returned that morning Seally had gone out looking for him as soon as the sun had risen over the trees. That was nearly three hours ago and I was growing impatient.

"...I'm going to go look for him." I said at last as I grabbed my coat from the nearby hanger and headed for the door.

"I really think we should wait for your friend!" Damen called as he ran after me. I turned a corner in the garden where the morning dew still coated the green herbs and headed for the portal circle. When I got there, however, I was disappointed to see Patty's servant Arthur standing guard. Patty was still here while Seally was out and I guess Seally had asked him to stand guard so he wouldn't be recklessly followed. Still, I wasnt going to let him stop me.

"Where are you going?" Arthur asked as I approached the circle.

"I'm going to look for my brother."

"You can't. I can't let you."

"Why not?"

"Just wait for Seally. He will be back soon."

"I can't wait." I growled. "I need to go look for Christian."

Arthur looked me over and groaned.

"I'm not going to be able to stop you, am I?"


"Than I am going to have to come with you."

"Fine with me." I stated as I went to the first portal and pushed my way through. It was the portal to the shrine and all around us ash still littered the forest floor. I took a few steps forward and waited as Damen and Arthur came in through the portal behind me. Damen looked around amazed and slightly horrified while Arthur suddenly stiffened and scanned the horizon.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"We should hide." He said suddenly and before I could ask why he grabbed Damen and I by the arm and dragged us into the shadows of some nearby tree cover where we were hidden. "Be very quiet." He ordered us in a deep and raspy voice. I clenched my teeth and gripped Damen's shirt sleeve as I looked out for whatever it was that was scaring Arthur. Then I heard footsteps echo in the distance getting louder and louder until finally four monsters emerged from the trail and surrounded the shrine. Two were reptilian in nature with green skin and yellow eyes, the third was some sort of shadow beast with black wispy clothes and tall dark features and the last was an elf in simple clothes and short white hair that was slicked back and pulled away from his face. They had their backs to us as they hovered around the shrine.

"Is this the thing?" One of the reptilians asked, his voice sharp and crackly like lightening.

"Yes it is." Said the elf. His voice sounded familiar.

"Should we burn it?" Asked the dark figure.

"I have a better idea." Said the elf and it is then that I realize that he is holding a baseball bat which he raises above his head and then, in one swift motion, strikes down on the small shrine sending splintering wood everywhere. Again and again he hits it as the slanted roof breaks and the elf appears to be overcome by some unknown fury as he hits harder and harder and faster and faster until all that's left of the small shrine is a pile of broken wood. It is only then that the elf turns around and I hold my breath cause its freaking Theo. I am suddenly overcome by a seething anger that rises up in my chest and the only ting that keeps me from charging at him as Arthur's sudden hands on my shoulder. He holds my shoulders in a death grip and keeps me still. Theo and the other monsters don't see us but I can see him perfectly. He appears older with slightly more color to his face from too much sun and slightly longer hair which he parts differently in a way that makes him appear older but it is definitely him. I watch with bated breath as the monsters finally leave and Theo disappears with them into the woods. Once they are gone I step out of the shadows to survey the mangled wreck of Seally's shrine. Theo was working with the rogue monsters the whole time. He probably even helped burn down the village although I couldn't be certain of that.

"Who were they?" Damen asked as he watches the spot where they disappeared.

"Rogue monsters." Arthur answers. I say nothing as I stare at the broken shrine.

"What are we supposed to do without the shrine?" Damen asked. "Can we rebuild it?"

"Wouldn't do much good. They would just destroy it again."

"Then what do we do?"

"Lets go tell Seally about this. Hopefully he is back with Y/n's brother by now." Arthur stated as he turned to me. I silently nod and together we leave back to the portal and head for the castle. When we get there Seally is waiting for us in the study but Christian isn't with him. He couldn't find him.

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