23.Blinding Lights

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"Wait. Why?!" I ask as I try to pull back but Arthur is surprisingly strong and pulls me straight out of the room and into the dark forest.

"I'll take you back to Seally's place." He says. "That's the best I can do for now."

"What about Damen?"

"Leave him."

"I cant leave Damen behind!"

"Its safer for everyone if you do."

"What the hell do you mean?" I ask and Arthur stops as he seems to momentarily contemplate an answer before shrugging it off and continuing to pull me through the dark woods. Meanwhile in the distance behind us I can hear Damen calling my name. He sounds absolutely panicked and helpless and at the same time strangely mad. At the sound of Damens voice Arthur seems to pick up speed and soon I can no longer hear him in the distance as we come to stop in a clear patch in the woods where the moon casts a subtle white spotlight through the parting of the trees, illuminating the dewy grass.

"I need to go back." I state defiantly as I pull my arm free from Arthurs grasp.

"Too late now." He says. "Its better to stay here and wait for Seally. He should be here soon."

"I can't believe you just left him behind! What do you have against Damen!?" I screech at him and he puts a finger to his chapped lips in a gesture to keep me silent. I huff at him and scan the trees for the way back to Theo's house but every path looks the same. While I am busy being angry, Arthur seems pretty relaxed as he stops to sit on a fallen log, minding his time, but that doesn't last long as all of a sudden there is a rushing through the trees and someone tackles him. I scream as both parties fall to the floor. I recognizer the attacker immediately as Ray as he sits on Arthurs chest, pinning him down. I should probably be scared but I'm not, I'm still angry.

"Get off of him!" I growl as I try to shove Ray off but, as expected, he is way too strong and doesn't budge. Arthur in the mean time is struggling to crawl out from under the werewolf but he doesn't seem panicked and instead takes his time trying to pry Rays fingers off of his shirt. I swiftly look around and pick up a heavy tree branch from a nearby bush and thwack Ray on the head with it where the sharp branches slightly slice his ear and he hisses in pain and surprise. Arthur takes this moment of surprise to push him off and jumps to his feet, dusting the dirt off his pants and shirt before, in a protective gesture, sliding closer to me as he watches Ray with hesitant eyes.

"What are you doing!?" I growl at Ray as he stands up and dabs the blood from his ear with his finger.

"Nothing in particular." He mutters, innocently.

"Bullshit." I hiss. "Where have you been? You bolted on us!"

"What do you expect?" He asks. "I'm not meant to be a kept pet. Didn't I already tell you? I'm just a wild monster afterall."

I cringe and shake it off. He seems strangely confident in himself right now and its really bugging me.

"What do you want?" I ask him cautiously. "Why did you come back?"

"Its dangerous in the woods at night." He tells me. "I don't want you running around on your own."

"I'm fine on my own." I growl and Ray chuckles. He's really starting to annoy me. Then all of a sudden he walks foreword and extends a hand to me.

"Come with me." He says. "I'll take you somewhere safe."

"Unnecessary." Says Arthur. "I am here and I am taking Y/n back to Seally's place. Its safe there."

The two exchange glares as Ray's hand is still hovering in the air for me to take. I quickly swat it away and he looks down at me surprised.

"I dont need your help." I tell him. "I dont trust you."

He stares at me blankly for a second and then steps back with a hurt expression but I can tell he hasn't given up.

"Let me at least walk back with you to the castle." He says and I momentarily think it over but before I can answer a monstrous growl echoes through the woods followed by a blinding light that illuminates the trees. It is so bright that I cant see a thing and looking at it is making my head spin as I clutch at my throbbing forehead and fall to my knees in pain. With one hand I reach out for Arthur and, after a few seconds, a grab hold of what feels like someone's shirt. They take my hand and lead me away from the light but I am still blind. My head is still in excruciating pain as I walk blindly foreword while being led along the way. After a few minutes I force myself to stop since it s very disorienting walking without knowing where you are going.

"It hurts." I groan. "What was that?"

I don't receive an answer and instead someone covers my eyes with one hand and rubs circles in my forehead with the other to try to soothe the pain. Slowly my senses return to me and the pain diminishes but even then they wont remove their hand from my eyes and slowly I become aware of the hands qualities. It isn't dry and patchy like Arthurs and it isn't strong and firm like Rays. I dont know who this is and as fear slowly starts to creep into my mind I no longer want to open my eyes. I don't want to see.

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