9. Lost Home

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No sooner had the sun risen over the tree tops then I was out in the garden in my outdoor clothes waiting under the canopy of tree tops. To insure our little venture wouldn't be exposed I left my dog Mutt sleeping in my room since Seally knew, or at least he thought, that I wouldn't dare leave the house without the dog. Finally, I saw Melody emerge from the back kitchen door wearing the silvery blue dress Seally had bought her as well as the yellow ribbon which she used to tie up her long white hair into a large bun which sat like a birds nest on her head. She looked up at me and smiled but her smile was offset and unnatural like she wasn't really smiling at me and instead smiling at something else entirely.

"Are you ready?" I asked her as she approached and she nodded silently. "Good. Let's do this fast. We have about an hour before Seally wakes up." Melody nodded and together we walked back to the portal circle where she took me to a different tree and knocked lightly on the wood. I watched in awe as the portal opened, this one a dazzling oval of swirling blues and greens. I did not hesitate to step inside and once in I found myself in a rather unremarkable part of the forest where the trees and the bushes looked no different then they did anywhere else.

"This way." Said Melody as she took me lightly by the hand and led me through the trees. As we walked I tried to keep track of which direction we had come and which direction we were going but everything looked the same. After a few minutes we reached a rather eerie area where the tree cover was so thick it blocked out the sun sending the trail into the shadows. I walked blindly into the dark with Melody leading the way until at last I caught sight of a building in the distant shadows. It was a small house similar to the one where Seally used to live with a mossy roof and stained brown wood walls and windows frosted over with fog and dust. Melody releases my hand and walked towards it, stopping at the doorway to place her hand on the copper knob and feel the cold metal.

"What is this place?" I asked her as I slowly approached.

"My home." Was Melody's answer as she pushed open the door and stepped inside. The door hinges creaked and the floor boards groaned with each step. Inside it was a simple one room house with a small furnace in one corner and a large bed in the other. In the center of the room was a round table with three chairs, one of which had a broken leg that caused it to tilt at an angle that made it appear unsafe for sitting. The house has a whole was dusty and appeared as no one had lived in it in years but their stuff was all their slowly collecting dust on shelves and in closets.

Melody stepped inside and ran her hand along the table, her fingers kicked up a small amount of dust that filtered through the stale air. I watched from the doorway as she shifted about the room. Her eyes darted from the table to the furnace and then back to the bed. Stepping about she nearly kicked over a discarded rag doll which she then picked up and held tightly in her hands despite the dust and grim that she was transferring to her fingertips.

"Are you okay?" I asked her once I saw the vacant look in her eyes. She hadn't looked that dead and lifeless since the day Patty first brought her to the castle.

"This used to be my home." Melody muttered quietly with the same vacant expression.

"What happened?" I asked, although I was not sure I wanted to hear the answer. "How did it end up like this?"

Melody was quiet for a second and then she spoke.

"I killed my parents."

"I don't believe that. I may not know you well but I feel as if I know you enough to know you are neither violent or malicious in any way. I don't believe you could kill anyone."

"But I did."


"It was my fault."

"How was it your fault?"

Melodys voice chokes up slightly but her face is still expressionless. Slowly she runs a hand through her silvery hair, pulling out her bun and letting the yellow ribbon flutter to the floor.

"I don't want to talk about this..." She muttered quietly and I silently agreed. We spent the next ten minutes just standing in silence before eventually I got up the courage to grab Melody by the hand and lead her out of the small house. 

"I want to bring this with me." She said as she showed me the ragged stuffed doll. It's face was smashed in and the stuffing in its belly was lopsided and crushed but its little red dress was still in rather good condition as it still had all the buttons as well as the little lace belt that kept the dress fitted to the dolls plump form.

"Ok." I said. "Do you want anything else?"

"No...just this." She said as she held the doll tightly to her chest not minding at all the dust and dirt she was rubbing on her own clothes. After that Melody followed me limply back out into the woods as we walked back towards the portal. Upon reaching the portal back to the castle I was surprised however, and somewhat frightened, to see someone waiting there for us.

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