11. Offering

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The village I had once loved was now a field of black and although I tried not to cry I couldn't help but feel the prick of tears sting my cheeks as I stooped down to the charred earth and ran my hand through the ashen debris. Dotted along the streets some of the skeletal structures of houses stood standing but even those looked crippled and closed to collapsing. Taking a few steps farther into the streets my foot bumped against something and I looked down to see a small child's shoe, most likely dropped in the rush to escape, sitting by the charred cobblestones. The shoe was burnt on one side but still whole and when I picked it up I felt a small surge of pain run through me as I thought of the fear that child had to endure when the monsters came and set fire to everything.

While I stood there I took notice that the town was not entirely vacant as dotted along the horizon I could see several small beings and as one drew closer I recognized them as flame spirits. Seally had taught me once about them. They were small ghost-like beings that were quite literally born from the flames of destruction. They were short in stature standing no bigger than a ten-year-old child and had bodies made of wispy fire that floated a few feet off the ground and burnt holes in the earth when they walked. They were neither evil nor kind and lived short lives as neutral beings who sort of just wandered about the earth before evaporating. Seeing them here I quickly realized that they were the perfect witnesses for the events of the previous night so I waved my hands frantically to get their attention until at last two noticed me and drifted over.

"How strange to see a human here." said the first one, its voice deep and wispy like smoke billowing from a chimney.

"I thought the humans had all left." said the second.

"Please help me." I begged. "Please tell me what happened here. I have to know."

"There was an army." said the first.

"Yes." said the second. "A great army of monsters stormed through. They held torches and set fire to everything. The monsters varied in species and size but they were all led by a silver haired warrior who ran through the streets cackling like a mad man."

"He was quite short wasn't he?" commented the first.

"Really? I couldn't tell." said the second.

"I wonder what species he was."

"He appeared almost human to me."

"Not possible. Why would a human burn down a human village?"

"You're right. That doesn't make sense."

The two went back and forth like this for awhile. When alone the spirits would always stay silent but when in groups they could talk for hours. I didn't have time for that so I politely interrupted.

"Excuse me, but what happened to the people?" I asked.

"A lot died." said the first. "But a lot also escaped to the next town."

"Except for those who were chased into the forest." commented the second.

"The forest?" I asked as I turned back to look at the woods. Did that mean there were humans in the forest right now? When I turned back the spirits were no longer chatting and instead had grown silent as they starred off at the west horizon.

"You better leave." said the first.


"They are coming back." said the second. I didn't wait for them to elaborate further and instead ran for the woods. I ran and I ran until I reached the shrine again and when I got there I saw Seally waiting there for me. He was wearing one of his longer blue robes that hung around his feet and he had his arms crossed over his chest as his black hair was pulled back from his face.

"It's been awhile since I've been here." He said as he looked down at the shrine.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I was worried about you."

"You're not mad I left?"

"Not really. I understand."

For a few seconds all was quiet and then Seally spoke again.

"I'm so sorry Y/n." He said.

"Don't be sorry. Tell me what happened. Tell me why any of this had to happen."

"I can't tell you that for in reality there is no answer. There is no reason why this happened. There is only anger and hatred and flames."

"I want to know where my parents are. I want to know where Damen is." I muttered.

"Do you have anything to offer in return for your question?" Seally asked.

"Offer?" Seally pointed down at the small shrine and after a few minutes I nodded in understanding. Since the dawn of time humans had given the forest king offerings in exchange for peace but there were times when humans used offerings in exchange for questions. As long as I had something to offer the forest king I could ask him anything. "This is all I have." I said as I showed him the small child's shoe which I had been holding all this time. He looked it over and sighed.

"I'll accept it." He said as he put out his hand. Carefully, I handed him the shoe and watched as it disintegrated into a ball of light before disappearing altogether. "You can ask one question." He said.

"Only one?"

"Only one."

I thought it over for a second. "I want to know how Damen is." I said.

"You don't want to know about your parents?"

"No...I want to know about Damen."

Seally looked at me funny but then he nodded as if to say he understood. I watcched as he closed his hands and concentrated and as he did so a sort of hazy light surrounded him and all noise in the forest dissapeared.

"Damen is still alive." Seally said, his eyes still closed.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I can't tell. It's almost like he is hiding behind some other force. I can't see past it." Seally said as the light faded and he slowly opened his eyes.

"We have to go back now." He said.

"What about Damen?"

"If it is really what you want then I will help you find Damen but for now we must return." He stated.

"Alright." I whispered as he led me back to the portal and we left for the castle.

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