17. Faint Arguements

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"I thought I told you to stay put." Seally stated as he stood with his arms crossed against his chest. I grimaced slightly and edged further into the room with Damen and Arthur following shortly behind. Seally seemed to be in a bad mood and suddenly what happened at the shrine was no longer as dire a matter. "Why did you let her leave?" Seally asked Arthur who in turn just shrugged.

"She overpowered me." Arthur said as Patty snickered in the corner of the room.

"Bullshit." Seally growled.

"Where's my brother?" I asked, cutting Seally off from his angry seething, and Seally sighed.

"I have not a clue. I looked everywhere."

"Well he has to be somewhere."

"You dont get it." Patty said with a groan as she stood up from her chair in the corner and walked closer. "If Seally can't find him it means he is no longer in the woods."

"Well where else would he be?" I asked.

"The village." Damen said behind me. "He must have gone to the village. The one everyone fled to in the fires."

"No way! That can't be true. Christian wouldn't just leave me here!" I yelled. I then turned and looked to Seally for support but he just hung his head and wouldn't look directly at me.

"It may be possible." Seally muttered. "He was still pretty mad at me for lying to you about Merlin and Ray."

"He wouldnt just leave me!" I repeated as I looked down at the floor. I heard Seally sigh again and Damen put his hand on my shoulder which I shrugged off before quickly leaving to my room. Up the stairs I ran, slamming my bedroom door closed behind me. Inside there was still broken glass and water on the floor from the smashed fish tank. I stepped around it as I collapsed onto my bed. I missed Mutt. I missed having a dog to comfort me but at the same time the thought that it had been Ray the whole time made me sick to my stomach and while I thought about this my mind wandered from Ray to Merlin and something in my head clicked. Seally had told me he had put Merlin in the bathroom which is only two doors down from Christians room. I swallowed nervously as I stood up and headed down the hall, stopping in front of the closed bathroom door. I didnt want to see him, I didnt want to talk to him, but I needed answers. I didnt even bother to knock as I creaked the bathroom door open and peered inside. Merlin was there in the bathtub just as Seally said he would be. Merlin heard the door creak and looked over at me, his eyes big and hesitant as he stiffened in his small tub. I wanted nothing more than to ignore him, to turn the other way, but I pushed down my fear and anger and stepped inside, edging closer to the tub.

"I need to talk to you." I stated confidently. Merlin said nothing as he sat in his tub perfectly still. For the first time ever his hair was dry from his upper body being out of water and it snagged and clung to the scales on his back and shoulders. Did he have more scales then before?

"Do you know anything about Christian?" I asked.

"Who?" Merlin asked.

"My brother. Do you remember him?"

"Vaguely. The brunnete? Sorta tall and slim?"

"Yes that's him. Have you seen him?" I asked again.

"Y/n...." Merlin muttered. "Y/n, Seally keeps the bathroom door closed. I can't see anyone passing by unless they came inside."

I stared at him blankly for a second and then groaned. Why didn't I think that far ahead?

"I'm an idiot." I whispered as I turned to leave.

"WAIT! WAIT A SECOND! DONT GO! I CAN STILL HELP!" Merlin screamed which only made me want to get out even more but I stopped in the doorway.

"What?" I asked hesitantly.

"I may not have seen anything but I can still help you. I hear everything and everyone that passes by. If you can give me a time frame I can tell you if I heard anything."

"I dont have an exact time frame." I mumbled. "Maybe early yesterday morning or sometime in the night before."

Merlin stopped and thought for a second and I was starting to really doubt his helping capabilities.

"I think...but I cant be sure...but I think I recall hearing some sort of argument around yesterday morning."

"Between who? What about?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"It was a guy and a girl. The guy was loud and angry and the girl was quiet yet defiant. I heard them yelling down the hall as they were arguing about monsters and the forest king or something like that. I think I may have heard the word 'loyalty' but I can't be sure. They were very loud and then all of a sudden they were very quiet and I didn't hear anything after that."

I listened silently as I processed what I just heard. The guy could be Christian and the girl could be either Patty or Melody since they were both here yesterday morning. I didn't even bother saying goodbye to Merlin as I quickly left the room and stormed downstairs in search of the girls. When I got there Seally and Patty were chatting with each other about Ray.

"Thank you so much for the little puppy." Patty said. "I promise I will take 'good' care of it."

"I dont care what you do with him as long as you keep him away from Y/n." Seally growled. Stepping inside the room all eyes turned on me and I huffed as I try to catch my breath from the run down the stairs.

"Patty, did you talk with my brother yesterday morning?" I asked.


"Are you sure?" 

"Patty was with me all morning Y/n." Seally told me. "Why do you ask?"

"Merlin heard Christian arguing with a girl yesterday morning before he went missing." I told him.

"Well I was with Patty all morning and there is only one other girl here." Seally stated. "Has anyone seen Melody?"

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