13. Problems with Power

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"I don't get why Sealy would want tomake a poison and how did it turn him into...that. Did he drink it?"

"Probably not." Melody muttered. "He messed up and probably just inhaled some of the fumes from when it exploded."

"But why would Seally need a poison?"

"To kill someone."

"You already said that. Who?"

"Who knows. As king he probably has a lot of enemies."

I sat down to ponder this but no matter how hard I thought I couldn't imagine Seally ever trying to kill someone. Seally could be cold at times but he was still kind and thoughtful of others. It just didn't make sense. 

"Do you feel any different?" Melody asked me suddenly. I looked up at her and shook my head.

"No. Why?"

"I was just wondering about the effects this may have on Seally's magic."

"What do you mean?"

"Just let me try something." Melody said as she walked over to the table and picked up a leather bound book. She held it tightly in her hand and then, in one fluid motion, she threw it at me. The book hit me square in the forehead and I immediately curled over in pain.

"OUCH!" I yelled. "Why did you do that!?"

"Your shield is down."

"My what?"

"Seally's protection. It's gone."

I looked over at her dazed for a minute before it finally snapped into place in my mind. She was right. Seally's protection should've protected me from that.

"Why?" I asked somewhat sullenly.

"It must have been the poison. Seally must have inhaled some of the toxins and it is causing his magic spells to weaken."

"What other spells will it effect?" I ask. I didn't get a response because just then there came the sound of crashing glass from upstairs. Melody and I exchanged glances and then ran up the stairs all the way to the third floor where Christian and a now adult Seally were arguing outside my room.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT!" Christian screamed.

"Calm down." Seally tried to reassure him.


"If you will calm down I will explain. I never lied to you."

"Whats going on?" I asked as Melody and I silently approached them. "What are you two doing in front of my room?"

They both stopped arguing to look over at me and in the silence I could hear noises in my room. It was the sound of a struggle and occasional splashing of water.

"Who's in there?" I asked, pointing towards the door.

"You dont want to know." Seally muttered with an evident look of guilt on his face. Christian looked over at him and growled.

"Tell her." He said. "Tell her what you did. I'm sure she would love to know."

"What is it?" I asked again and Seally looked at me and sighed. 

"Take a look." He said as he moved aside and pushed my bedroom door open for me. I walked in hesitantly, took one look around, and screamed before bolting from the room.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled as Melody grabbed my shirt sleeve and pulled me closer as she tried to look past me into the room. "WHY-HOW-WHY-HOW DID HE GET HERE!?"

"If you calm down I will explain but first you might as well address him since he is in a pretty much harmless situation." Seally said as he sauntered back into my room. I followed shortly behind him and stood behind his wide back as I glanced at the boy I had only dreamed of seeing again in my nightmares. On my desk my wide aquarium was cracked open and water was pooling on the floor and there in the middle of the broken mess was a merman, Merlin, sitting there on the damp ground with his broken tail draped over my desk and his blue hair spilling over his face as his eyes starred holes into me but he did not seem scary at all. It was quite the opposite, he seemed terrified of me as his eyes darted from me to Seally to Christian and back to me before looking away at the broken mess of an aquarium. He bit his lower lip in fear and ran a quivering hand through his hair.

"I-I'm so-so sorry." He whimpered, his eyes big like a kicked puppy.

"Why is he here?" I asked again defiantly. I no longer felt scared of him as an ounce of courage had managed to well up in me.

"He has been here the whole time." Seally said. "You just never noticed. Both him and Ray."

My blood ran cold. "Ray is here too?" I asked and Seally nodded.

"Who is Ray?" Melody asked as she still had a grip on my shirt sleeve. I didn't answer as I felt all the courage I had just built up dissipate in a second.

"I see that you are frightened." Seally said. "So I will explain quickly to put your mind at ease. When I first brought you to this castle it wasn't much longer after that that the boys came to me having known what I had done. They knew I was hiding you and told me they would stop at nothing to see you again so I offered them a deal, similar to the one I offered you. If they agreed I would turn them into animals and they could spend the rest of their lives with you but they could never talk to you and they could never touch or hurt you. It was a lopsided deal, one I didn't think they would agree to, but Ray and Merlin agreed in a heartbeat so I turned Merlin into a fish and Ray into a dog and I brought them to you as pets."

"So Mutt is..."

"Yes. Mutt is Ray. Sorry you had to find out."

"Why would you do this? You promised you would keep me safe from them!"

"I know and I did. This was the only way to keep you safe since if I didn't give them the deal they would forever continue to hunt you down. I did this for your own protection."

"What about Theo?" I asked and I could see Christian shiver at the name. "Is he still here as well?"

"I thought Theo would make a nice cat." Seally mumbled. "But he said no. He wouldn't agree to my deal since he didn't see you in the same way the others did."

"What do you mean?"

"They all loved you. Ray and Merlin just wanted to be with you and they would do anything to have that happen but Theo was different. In his mind he owned you, you were an object, and he would never drop so low as to be your pet. I couldn't get him to agree to my deal and he couldn't get me to give you up so he set out to destroy me instead."

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