19. The Start of a War

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"You can't turn on Seally." I stated. Christian looked up from what he was doing to stare at me blankly. We were n the kitchen polishing silverware and we had been doing so rather silently until finally I decided I should speak.

"I wasn't planning on it." He said.

"You're lying. You thought about it."

"Why are you talking to me as if I'm the bad guy? I did nothing wrong!"

"You can't trust those rogue monsters Christian! They're dangerous!"

"...I know." He muttered. For a few more seconds we just stood there in silence. I would like to say that Christians time locked in the basement didn't affect him but in truth it had made him bitter and cold.

"I don't want to be here forever." He said at last. I looked up at him and saw the genuine pain in his eyes and something inside me tensed, after all, I was the reason we were both stuck here.

"Ray is pretty much Patty's slave now." I said. "And Merlin is confined to a bathtub. They can do nothing to hurt us. In terms of danger there is only one person left."

"Theo?" Christian asked as he shivered at the recount of the crazy elf. I nodded. I still hadn't told Seally about what Theo had done to his shrine but I didn't think I had to. He probably already knew.

"Theo is aiding the rogue monsters." I told Christian and he sort of perked up at the sound of the unexpected news.

"We have to do something about him." Christian said. "As long as he is out there it will never be safe. We will never be able to leave."

"What can we do?" I asked absently.

"We can get rid of him." Christian stated. "Kill him off before he gets to us."

I looked at him blankly and shivered at the idea of such violence even though, surprisingly, I wasn't entirely opposed.

"Impossible. Theo has some very powerful monster friends now." I said. "We wouldn't be able to get close."

"Y/n, the way I see it, he's going to find this place eventually, so why not put a stop to all this before a war breaks out. Seally might even help, he wants those rogue monsters gone after all."

"I think it would be very unwise for you to be running off blindly into this war." A voice spoke up from the doorway and I looked to see Seally standing there, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe.

"We have to do something!" Christian argued. "I can't just sit here!"

"Then you will need a plan." Seally stated. "Thats the only way you can stand a chance."

"Are you saying that you will help us?" I asked and Seally smiled down at me.

"I knew you wouldn't want to stay here forever. It was only a matter of time." Seally stopped and turned to leave. "Meet me in the study in an hour." He said and then he left. For a minute I just stood there silently. Eventually, Christian got up and left and I followed suit turning right at the stairway and heading for my room. As I walked I passed by the bathroom and saw the door was open. Peaking inside I was surprised to see the room empty. Merlin was no longer in the bathtub although the tub was still filled with water. Seally must have moved hm. I shrugged and continued on to my room but stopped when I saw Melody standing in front of my doorway. I hadn't talked to her much since we let Christian out. She saw me and perked up, opening her mouth as if to speak but then quickly closing it as she became more reserved and withdrawn.

"Do you need something, Melody?" I asked as I approached the door.

"Your forgiveness."

"...I already forgave you."

"Not really. Not entirely at least."

I sighed and moved past her, slipping into my bedroom. Melody followed silently as she tugged at the lining of her shirt.

"Seally said that we are all to meet him in the study in an hour." She said. "Do you know what he wants to talk about?"

"Rogue monsters." I answered and I could see my reply didn't sit well with her. I didn't hate Melody, in fact I still cared for her deeply, but I no longer knew how I was supposed to react around her.

"Christian wants to go after Theo." I told her as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Who is Theo?" Melody asked.

"A bad person."

"Are you going to go after him too?" She asked.

"I guess I am."

"I want to help."

"You dont have t-"

"I want to help! Please let me help!" She begged.

"Melody, its dangerous." I told her. "You could get hurt."

"I dont care. I want to help. Please Y/n. Let me help you!"

"Fine." I muttered finally just as my door opened again and Damen popped in.

"I heard you guys are planning on trying to take down the rogue monsters." He said.

"Who did you hear that from?" I asked.

"Christian. Is he wrong?"

"No...we are considering it."

"Then I am going to help."

"You don't have to!"

"I want to! They burned down my village after all. I want my revenge. I'll go get my gun!"

And with that he quickly left running down the hall. I sighed as Melody looked up at me with a soft smile.

"Well would you look at that." She said. "We are forming a tiny army."

Author note: Sorry this chapter is kind of short and boring. I promise the next one will be better. And while I have your attention please go check out my other books. I'm currently working on a vampire story that I thnk is pretty good. Thank you all for reading and the next chapter will be up on monday. Bye Bye.

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