4. Melody

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"I killed my parents."




Melody opens her mouth to speak but then clams up again. There is a tense moment of silence before Christian appears in the doorway and calls me out.

"I heard we have a new guest." He says.

"Her name is Melody."

"And she's...an elf?"

"I guess." I mutter and I see Christian look over at her and visibly shiver. After what happened with Theo burning down our house Christian has developed a sort of...fear...of the elf species. On one hand I think it's irrational to be afraid of someone half your size but, on the other hand, I completely understand why it is you should be afraid. It's difficult to trust new people.

"It will be fine." I mutter to Christian as I walk past him and go downstairs to see if Seally needs any assistance with Melody's things, if she had any. I come down just as Patty is biding farewell to Seally.

"It's odd for you to want to take care of someone like this." Says Seally. "What is Melody to you? Friend? Family? Slave?"

"We aren't related if that's what you are asking and she is not my slave either. She's just like...she's like a little lost dog I picked up off the street. I feel responsible for picking her up but at the same time I don't have the patience to take care of her myself."

"So you stick her on me?"

"Exactly, but don't think about it harshly. Consider it as receiving a new friend."

"I don't need new friends."

"Stop complaining and get used to it." Patty growls as she ruffles the curls in her long purple hair and then turns to leave. I run and catch up to her in the garden.

"Excuse me!" I call after and she stops and turns back to me. Her servant Arthur is still by her side. His oversized brown hoodie makes him appear something like a giant next to the slender Patricia.

"What is it little Y/n?" She asks as I come to stop before her.

"I wanted to know if there is anything specific I should know about taking care of Melody."

"For example?"

"Um...." I consider asking her about the parents thing but I bite my tongue. Patty said she didnt want to talk about Melody's isolation earlier and Melody herself seemed reluctant to let me know. Almost as if she knows what I am going to say, Patty smiles and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Melody is a nice girl." She states. "She's a little slow and a little shy but she's a good person and she hasn't done anything wrong."

"But her isolation..."

"It was a misunderstanding. She didn't deserve it but it happened and now we have to reverse the effects." She removes her hand from my shoulder and places it on her hip. "I'll be sending Arthur over every couple of days to check up on things so you don't have to worry too much. Now, if you don't mind, I have a meeting I have to go to. See you around."

And with that she turned and left, disappearing into the forest, but Arthur stayed behind. Being the undead bag of bones he was, his skin was nearly translucent in the evening sun as it showed every sunken bone in his face and the hair that stuck out of brown hood was dark and matted and ratty.

"You will do fine." He says to me in a chalky voice. His face expressionless as it required muscles to make expressions. "Don't worry."

"Thanks." I muttered and he gave me a quick bow of the head before turning and stumbling off into the woods after Patty. Once they were gone I turned to walk back to the house. On the third floor I could see Melody watching me from the window and I swallowed deeply as I forced a smile and waved at her silently. She didn't respond as she sort of just inched away from the window and out of sight.

Later that night I came into the kitchen after a long afternoon of cleaning to find a very annoyed Seally and a very nervous Christian.

"What do you mean she won't eat?" Seally asked.

"I mean it as I say it." Christian mumbled as it took all the courage he had just to maintain eye contact. "I bring her food but she won't touch it. I try to talk to her and she doesnt answer me. I don't know what to do."

Seally sighs as he brings his fingers up to pinch and rub circles on his forehead where thin wrinkles were appearing in between his eyebrows.

"She needs to eat." He says. "It's bad for her health if she doesn't."

"I can try feeding her." I say and Seally whips his head back to me in surprise. He obviously didn't know that I was there.

"It's worth a try." He mutters as he hands me the plate of food and points me to the doorway. "Don't come back till she eats."

I nod in uderstanding and take the plate up the third floor. The door to the guest bedroom is closed so I knock gently before entering. Melody is sitting there on her bed in the dark with her head turned away from me as she looks out the window.

"Excuse me." I mutter and she looks back at me. Her green eyes almost seem to glow in the dark. "You need to eat." I state as I put the plate down next to her on the bed and walk over to turn on the desktop lamp. It flickers on and the room is filled with light. I then turn back to Melody to make sure she eats but she doesn't touch the plate.

"Are you not hungry?" I ask and she still doesn't say anything. At this point I am getting kind of annoyed because for one I've been working pretty hard all day and on top of that, I haven't eaten either. "If you won't eat it then I will." I say as I sit down next to her on the bed and take the plate. It is full of fruits, bread, and nuts so I happily take a strawberry and bite down on the red fruit. The juices fill my mouth and remind me of just how hungry I really am. As I reach to grab another one I turn to look at Melody and she is starring at me wide-eyed. Is she mad I ate her food?

"Do you want one?" I ask as I hold up a strawberry to her. She quietly leans forward and sniffs it almost as if she is unsure as to what it is and then, slowly, she eats it straight from my hand. I flinch slightly as her lips almost touch my finger but then try to remain as still as possible so I don't spook her. I watch her silently chew before swallowing and then turning back to me with her mouth open.

"Do you want me...to feed you?" I ask surprised and she nods so I take another berry and pop it in her mouth. She chews and swallows and then opens her mouth for me again. We repeat this process for a good twenty minutes until all the food is gone at which point I grab the plate and turn to leave but Melody grabs my shirt sleeve and pulls me back.

"Do you want more?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Stay." She mumbles, her voice small but her tone almost begging. I stare at her for a moment before putting down the plate and sitting back down on the bed. She immediately lays down over my knees so her head is in my lap and stares up at me with glistening eyes. 

"You're nice." She mutters while starring up at me.

"Thanks." I say.

"I'm not used to nice people."

"We will have to change that."

"...ok." She mumbles as her eyes close and her breathing softens. I feel a lot like a mom as I softly pet her hair and then, once she is deeply asleep, I move her under the covers and quietly leave the room. At that point I thought Melody was sweet. She was just like a child. At the time, I had no way of knowing just how twisted her mind really was.

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