5. Rogue Monsters

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"Where are you going?"

"I just have to go do something."

"What is it?"

"Its hard to explain..."

"Can I come too?"

"No. You should probably stay here."

One week, that was all it took for Melody to become hopelessly attached to me. She was almost like Mutt in the way she followed me everywhere and always wanted to know where I was and what I was doing which was fine, for the most part, but now I had to go back into the woods to get the offerings and Melody did not like this.

"Why can't I come?" She begged, her green eyes sparkling with glossy tears.

"Its Seally's rules, not mine, and he says you have to stay here."

"Thats no fair!" 

"I will only be gone a few hours so be a good girl and wait." I said and Melody huffed in annoyance as she marched back upstairs by herself. Now that she was talking she had started to gain a bit of a sassy attitude which I found hilarious and which Seally found unbearably annoying. She was like a young teen, old enough to have attitude but young enough that she still sorta clung to her mother, a.k.a me.

"Will she be okay by herself?" I asked Christian as I grabbed my stuff and headed out to the garden.

"She will be fine."

"Can you keep an eye on her for me?"

"Does that involve talking to her?" Christian asked. As nice as Melody was, Christian still feared her and tried his best not to get too close when no one else was around.

"Melody is not like Theo. You will be fine." I assured him but I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't believe me. He still had major trust issues when it came to other people and, to be completely honest, he didn't trust me entirely either. "It will be fine." I say again. "Just make sure she doesn't cause Seally any trouble."

"Alright." Christian muttered as he went back inside leaving Mutt and me to head out to the portal circle. Stepping in and out of the portal I once again found myself standing at the side of the small clearing in which the shrine sat. I went to check it for offerings and, as I expected, it was empty. I stood there in silence as I listened for any distant sounds and, sure enough, the sound of whistling could slowly be heard getting louder and louder as the person drew closer. I patiently waited until a certain curly, orange haired boy appeared through the trees. When Damen saw me he smiled and ran up to the clearing, his shoulder bag swaying behind him as he ran.

"I'm glad you're here." He said, a slight heave in his breathe from running. "I didnt think you would come."

"I promised you, didn't I?" I said as I walked over and held out my hands to him. He looked at me strangely and then grasped one hand and shook it.

"I'm asking for the offerings." I told him and he immediately let me go, a slight pink tinge to his cheeks.

"Oh." He muttered as he dug around in his bag before pulling out a bundle wrapped in blue cloth. I took and placed it in my own bag before turning to leave.

"Wait!" He called out to me. "Do you have to leave so soon?"

"I have nothing else to do here." I state.

"Do you mind keeping me company while I clean the shrine then?" He asked, although his voice sounded more as if he was begging. I sighed.

"Fine." I muttered as I sat down on a nearby stump and watched as Damen took out a rag and water bottle and began wiping down the shrine.

"So what's it like working for the forest king?" He asked.

"It's normal I guess." I muttered. "What's it like working as the messenger?"

"It's dangerous." He says.


"Yes. I am always running into all sorts of dangerous monsters which is why I have to carry a gun. I heard in previous years the job wasn't so tough but recently there has been a bit of unsettlement in the forest which is causing the monsters to become agitated."

"What do you mean by 'unsettlement'?" I asked, suddenly curious and Damen stopped working to look at me strangely.

"You mean you haven't heard?" He asked.

"Heard what?"

"Someone is trying to take down the forest king."

"What?!" I yelled, catching Damen by surprise as he jumped where he was standing. "Where did you hear something like that?" I asked.

"Its all anyone can talk about back in the village. There is an uprising of rogue monsters ganging together who believe the king is unfit to reign. They want to take him down."

I listened intently before sighing and shaking me head. "No way." I muttered. "No way. That can't be right. Are you sure that's not just a rumor?"

"The rogue monsters have already attacked the village several times looking for previous messenger who might know where the king is." Damen states.

"Doesnt that mean you are also in danger? You are a messenger afterall."

"Yes. Which is why I carry a gun." Damen says as he goes back to cleaning the shrine. I sit and ponder in silence for a few minutes.

"I can't believe Seally never told me about this." I mumbled.

"Who is Seally?" Damen asks.

"He's a...um...friend...back at the kings castle." I state and Damen nods as he believes my lie and goes back to working. At my feet Mutt whines as he curls up around my legs. The dog obviously senses my discomfort as he rubs his snout against my knee.

"I've got to go back now." I say as I stand up from the stump and gather my things. "Will you be okay by yourself?' I ask Damen and he nods and says he will be fine even though I can tell by his eyes that he really doesn't want me to go. Damen may act tough with his gun and all but I think in reality he is really scared and on one hand I feel bad for leaving but on the other hand I really need to get answers from Seally. I turn to leave but before I can go I am stopped by the sound of something moving in the bushes. Damen hears it too as he quickly drops what he's doing and grabs for his gun but he isn't fast enough as a giant reptilian monster thing crashes through the trees and rams into Damen. Next thing I know, Damen is on the floor bleeding and the lizard monster is standing over him ready to strike its fangs into his chest. 

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