28. Shrines

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"Wait!" I turn back to see Christian running after me, that small matchbox held tightly in his hand. I stop to let him catch up while giving me time to wipe the small tears from the corners of my eyes.

"What?" I ask somewhat stubbornly.

"What's the plan here?" Christian asked. "Are you just going to run all over the forest in search of these shrines? Do you even know where they are?"

"I know where one is." I state. "That's better than nothing."

"And what about the other four?" Christian asks and I solemnly shake my head. "Lets also not forget that the forest is full of evil monsters, Theo included." He adds on. "What are you going to do if you run into him again?"


"I dont think that will end well."

I stop and think this over all the while starring into the distance of the surrounding trees.

"Maybe Pattys servant Arthur would know." I suggest.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Last I saw him he was fighting with Ray after leaving Theo's house." Something in my brain clicked. "SHIT! I LEFT DAMEN AT THEOS HOUSE!" I screamed.

"We should probably go back for him." Christian suggested and I quickly nodded as we headed through the woods in what we assumed was the right direction. Coming up to Theos house the morning light filtered through the trees casting an eerie shadow over the small house. I wiped the fatigue from my eyes and stretched in place as we cautiously approached the front door.

"Hopefully he's still here and alright." Christian said as he pushed open the door. I expected for him to perhaps be hiding somewhere but instead there he was sitting on the front couch starring back at us with his shotgun in his lap.

"Where have you been?" Damen asks in a calm manner that strikes me as somewhat unnerving.

"Are you alright?" Asks Christian.

"I'm fine." He said as he stood up and joined us in the doorway. Once again I was surprised by how calm he was like I didnt abandon him in a monsters house in the dead of the night. Christian wasted no time telling him what had happened and all the while he listened intently.

"I know it might be a hard thing to do..." Christian finished. "But can you help us locate ad destroy the shrines?"

"Of course." Damen said, as he took the matches from Christian and ran out into the morning light. "Just tell me which way." He said.

"We dont know." I told him. "We need to see if we can find ARthur first. He might know the way."

I didn't miss the subtle cringe in Damens expression when I mentioned this but he in turn smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Where can we find him?" He asked.

"Last I saw I think he was this way." I say as I point out towards the back where the trees parted from the clearing. Without another word Damen silently started walking that direction through the trees and we all followed in a single line. Damen was in front because he had the gun, I was second because I knew the way, and Christian kept watch in the back to make sure we weren't ambushed. Finally we came across the place I had last seen Arthur and we stopped.

"Last I saw him he was fighting with Ray right here." I said.

"DO you think he is okay?" Christian asked.

"Ray is a werewolf so he is strong but Arthur is a zombie so he doesnt die easily. He might lose a few limbs though." I state and Christian grimaces at the thought.

"Maybe we should split up and look around." Christian suggests. "Each person picks a direction and walks fifty paces. If we dont find anything just walk back here."

We all nodded in silent agreement and picked our directions. I turned my back on the boys and started walking while counting my steps.


I had just about reached sixteen when gunfire rang out behind me. I immediately turned on my heels and ran back to the clearing where Christian was but no Damen.

"Which way did Damen go?" Christian asks and I point as we both run that way. We dont get far when we find Damen with his gun raised pointing out through a breakage in the trees.

"Whats wrong?" I ask him and he points through the bushes. I look and can barely make out a shadowed figure stumbling towards us. He steps into the light and I shudder at the sight of him. Its Ray.

"What was that for?" Ray asks in a whiney tone as he holds out his injured arm, the bullet just barely grazed his shoulder. Damen says nothing but raises his gun to shoot again.

"Stop! Not yet!" I tell him and he casts me a sideways glare before lowering his gun slightly.

"Why?" Damen asks somewhat cross.

"He might be able to help."

"Do you really think we can trust him?" Christian asks.

"I..I dont know." I mutter all the while Ray is starring at us expectantly.

"You need help?" He asks. "From me?" He smiles at the idea.

"We just need to know where the shrines are." I say.

"I can tell you that." Ray says. "Why, though?"

I bite my tongue knowing that the real reason would only anger him. Best for him not to know. I look to the others and they share my thoughts.

"Seally asked us to find them." I tell him. "We are supposed to leave offerings or something...to enhance his power...or something...so he can defeat Theo and the rogues." Ray once again looks at me expectantly and I wonder if he buys my lie. I wonder if I can trust him at all but then I remember that a good part of him was happy with the way things were back when he was a dog and maybe he might want to go back to that.

"I can show you the way." Ray states at last, a small smile gracing his lips as he turns on his heel and trots off deeper into the woods. "Follow me."

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