22. Candlelight Nights

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"Where is everyone?" I asked as I looked around the small clearing before turning back to Damen. "Do you know the way back to Seally's castle?" I ask him. He shrugs and shakes his head. "So...are we lost?"

"I guess so." Was Damen's immediate reply, although he didn't seem to worried.

"What do we do?"

"No clue, but for now we can just head a random direction and hope we find our way."

"I dont like that idea." I muttered anxiously as I paced across the clearing, stopping at where the thick trees outlined the crisp grass.

"For now do you want to just wait in the house?" Damen asks.

"You mean Theo's house?" I ask, appalled by the idea. Damen sighs and points up at the hazy sky.

"It will be dark soon. Do you really want to be wandering these woods in the dark?" I thought it over silently before shaking my head and edging closer to the empty house.

"What if Theo comes back?" I ask as we enter quietly into the front room.

"Then I will shoot him and all our problems would be solved." Damen states as he shows off his gun proudly. I smile at him as he closes the front door behind us and we are alone in the dark house. "I'm going to go look for some light." Damen states. "Id rather not sit here in the dark."

He walks off to the back room and I take this moment to open up the closed curtains and let in a little bit of the fading outdoor light. The front room is small and quant with a single couch that appears to have doubled as a bed. There is a small wooden table to the right of the couch on which sits several fading books with binding so old they appear to be falling away from the crispy pages. I don't dare to touch anything. I feel so awfully out of place and I fear that the slightest movement might somehow offset the stillness of the quiet room.

"I found some candles." Damen says as he returns with several candles and a small box of matches. He sets the candles down on the small table and lights them one by one as the soft orange glow envelopes the room. Damen does not hesitate to sit down on the faded couch while I stand restlessly, shirting my weight from side to side.

"I wonder where Seally is." I state out loud. He had said he would be close by to look after things but if that really was the case then why hadnt he showed up to help us yet? Perhaps he was already out helping the others.

"We dont need him." Damen mutters as he shoves his hands in his pockets and leans back. "We can take care of ourselves." There is a moment of silence and then Damen speaks again. "What are you going to do when this is all over?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what are you going to do after we kill Theo and get rid of all the other 'bad' monsters? What are you going to do then?"

"I hadn't really thought about it." I said. I'm lying, I have thought about it. I just hadn't decided on anything yet.

"Do you want to come back with me?"

"Back where?"

"Back to the village."

"The village is gone."

"Not forever. We can always rebuild. I want to go back and rebuild my home...and I want you to come back with me."

"That sounds nice." I state with a smile. "But I am still unsure. It's been so long since I last lived with real humans."

"It will be fine. Besides, you can't stay with Seally forever, right?"

I shrug and cast my gaze to the small lit candles who have now become are only source of light as the outside woods had grown dark. I am starting to feel a little less tense but that all changes when I hear the sudden sound of someone knocking on the front door.

"What was that?" I whisper as Damen holds up a hand to quiet me. There is a moment of silence and then they knock again. They can probably see the candle light from the window.

"Go hide in the back." Damen whispers to me and I nod as I scurry back to the back kitchen where I turn the corner and kneel to hide beneath the small table. I listen intently as I can hear Damens heavy footsteps across the floor. I hear the door open and immediately Damen opens fire. I can't see anything in the dark but I can hear the sound of Damen's gun go off and off again until finally he stops and I crawl out from my hiding spot and run to him.

"STAY BACK!" He yells at me as he sees me turn the corner. He has got his back against the door, keeping it closed as he reloads his gun with one hand.

"What is it?" I ask quickly.

"It's just me." A hoarse voice answers from the other side of the door. I recognize it and move to push Damen aside.

"DON'T!" He yells but I ignore him as I open the door to see Patty's servant, Arthur, standing there, his body riddled with bullets.

"ARTHUR!? Are you okay!?" I ask as I grab his hand and pull him inside.

"I'm alright. I'm already dead so I don't feel anything." He says but that doesn't ease my panic as I sit him on the couch and look over his wounds. He's got a bullet in his arm and his chest and his shoulder and there are two rather large holes in his face, one in his forehead and one in his cheek.

"You gotta be more carefull Damen!" I yell at him. "You couldve killed someone!"

"Sorry." He mutters but once again he doesn't sound genuine. I'm afraid the stress of the situation is making him go numb emotionally.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Arthur, he is playing with his new holes. He sticks a finger through the hole in his shoulder and wiggles it around before looking up at me.

"I'll tell you later." Arthur states. "For now can you get me something to cover this up?" I look at him oddly. He's never cared before about having open wounds so why the sudden need to cover them now? He stops and turns to Damen. "There might be some tissues or towels in the kitchen. Can you get some?"

Damen shrugs and heads to the back kicthen. The minute he is gone Arthur grabs my hand and pulls me to the door.

"Lets leave."

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