31. End

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"How many do we have left?" I asked Christian as we trotted through the woods towards the next portal. Since meeting Merlin we had managed to find and burn two more shrines and each time a shrine was reduced to dust I swore the forest seemed to wilt slightly as tree branches became coarse and parched and leaves began to brown and wither, clinging to the branches in small clusters. Christian looked at the map.

"Two left." He said. "One is down by the river..."

"And the other?" I asked.

"...The other is back by the remains of the village." He said and I sighed at the idea of going back there. IN silence we walked through the trees until we came across a small stream and then we followed that stream for about twenty minutes until it widened into a small river. As we walked we passed an incline at the top of which was a shear cliff.

"Wait a second." I said as I stepped off the path to investigate, walking up the incline before peering down over the cliff. It was a long way down and at the bottom was a bunch of jagged rocks and boulders.

"What is it?" Christian asked as he came to stand next to me, peering over the cliffside.

"This is where Alice died." I told him.

"Who is Alice?" I slowly realized that they had never met.

"A friend." I muttered, unsure of how else to phrase it. "A mermaid friend."
"What happened to her?"
"I don't want to talk about it." I groaned as I retreated back down the hill to the river. I could still feel it, the forest starting to die around me and I could only hope that once this place was gone that all the awful memories that took place here would vanish as well. So many lives lost.

"We are here." Christian said as he pointed ahead to a small dip in the river where sitting on a pile of smooth rocks lay a small shrine the same as all the others with small stone steps, an alter, and a slanted roof. I rushed over and knelt next to it. There was still a small offering inside. Someone had left flowers, small wild flowers of white and pink and purple. I took the flowers out and placed them in the shallows of the river where they wouldn't be burned and then struck a match.

"Are you sure you don't want me to do it?" Christian asked and I shook my head.

"I can do it." I said as I placed the lit match on the alter and watched as the whole shrine went up in flame. It seemed to burn for much longer than the others but eventually it did burn down to dust and once it was gone a strange wind blew through the forest that seemed to shake and rattle all the trees. It was like the forest was crying and I suddenly felt very scared and vulnerable sitting by the riverside. I looked down at the flowers I had taken from the shrine and they were wilted. I looked back at my brother and he had the same concerned expression as me.

"Lets hurry." He said as he helped pull me back up to my feet and hustle me down the river back towards the last shrine. As we walked I swore I could hear the sounds of something following us so I walked a little faster and a little faster until eventually we were both running through the woods. We passed the little cottage that had once been Seally's house and we passed the clearing where Theo and I had first met among the flowers and then we finally stopped at the lake in which Merlin had been confined. It now lay empty and still.

"The shrine is up ahead." I said and even though we both knew this, neither of us had it in us to take another step closer.

"This feels wrong." Christian said. "Something about this feels very wrong."

"We have to do it though." I assured him as I straightened myself up and walked foreword along the little path through the trees and into the small clearing. Where the shrine once stood was now a pile of smashed wood and stones, left behind after Theo had smashed it weeks earlier.

"How are we supposed to burn this?" I asked Christian. "There is no alter!"

He looked at the wreckage and shrugged before leaning over to examine it but he stopped once we heard a small movement in the branches. Someone else was here.

"You two look like you are up to no good." I voice said and then Theo stepped out from the trees. He looked different. He appeared haggard and tired with pale skin and large dark rings under his eyes. He walked with a sort of slant and his ears seemed to droop downwards under his white hair. He looked at us and then at the matches in our hands and smiled.

"Are you planning to burn down the forest?" He asked. "No way you can do that. You don't have the guts."

"We have already burned down four of the five shrines." I told him. "This is the last one and I intend to finish it."

With that his smile cracked slightly and he frowned at me.

"You know I used to like you." He said.

"I also thought of you as a good friend." I said. "Until you burned down my house and then the whole village."

"I liked you but I never thought of you as a friend." Theo corrected me.

"Then what was I?" I asked. I could see that Theo was weak from the destruction of the forest but I knew that he was still capable of trying to stop us so I tried to distract him while Christian tried to burn the last shrine. I stood between the two and glanced over at my brother. He seemed to read my mind and began to carefully and quietly remove the wood and stones from the shrine in search of the alter. I stood in front of him so Theo wouldn't notice.

"You were like a cute little plaything." Theo said. "Small and cute and, most importantly, all mine. That's the way it should've been but then the others had to get in the way."

"You mean Ray and Merlin?"

"All of them. Ray, Merlin, Seally, Alice, Sloane, even that brother of yours."

At this point Theo finally glanced past me and Christian and saw what he was doing.

"You little brat!" He growled once he had realized he had been tricked but at this point Christian had found the alter buried under all the rubble. He lit a match and set it down and everything went up in flames, not just the shrine but the trees and the grass. I screamed as flames licked my ankles through the grass but my fear died down when I realized it wasn't hurting me. The same went for Christian but not for Theo as he immediately dropped to his knees, clutching his face and crying out in agony. He looked up at me through eyes full of fear and latched on to my pant leg.

"You will never be rid of me!" He hissed. "Even when I am gone I will haunt you forever!"

I gave him one last look and then swiftly kicked him in the jaw causing him to release my other leg. I stepped back towards Christian as I looked down at him with hatred in my eyes.

"Just die already!" I growled as the forest seemed to swell and the light from the flames became so great I had to shield my face. I turned into Christian and held on tightly to his shirt as he held tightly to my shoulders. The air around us seemed to pulsate and I heard Theo scream one last time before there was a quick jolt and then everything went black.

Next time I opened my eyes I was laying in a sea of black ash and coal. An unfamiliar face looked down at me as I looked and saw that a group of people had gathered around. They were humans from the nearest village who had came to investigate the flames.

"Its all gone." I heard one whisper.
"No more monsters." Said another.

"They are all gone."

I sat up and looked over to my side where Christian lay and then I looked out into the distance and in the distance I thought I could see the small figure of a young boy. He had silky black hair and was wearing a long robe that draped around his small form and set in his face were the greenest eyes I had ever seen. He looked at me and smiled and something about him was so familiar yet at the same time I had no clue who he was.

"Are you okay miss?" An older man in the group of villagers asked me as I stood up. I nodded slowly and then looked back to where the boy had been only there was nothing there.

"What happened? What are you doing here?" The man asked and I paused before answering.

"I cant remember."

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