12. Backfire

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Authors note: This chapter glitched so I had to republish it. Sorry if you have already read it.

"Y/n, why didn't you want to know about your parents?" Seally asked. During the short walk back to the castle he had appeared uncertain and now, standing at the castle doors, he hesitated.

"I don't want to talk about it." I muttered absently.

"And I don't want to push you. I'm just worried about the mental health of my servant." Seally stated and I sighed as I realized he wasn't going to let this go without an answer.

"I don't know Damen very well." I said. "I like him and I think he's nice and if you had told me he was dead I would've been sad but I would've been able to push past it. The same can not be said for my parents. I haven't seen them in over a year and I miss them greatly but if you had told me they were dead...I don't think I would've been able to carry on. I'm better off not knowing. At least then I can keep in me some spark of hope that they are okay."

I looked back at Seally and he nodded in understanding but his face told me he was still concerned. After parting in the castle halls I spent the rest of the afternoon holed up in my room with Mutt. I layed in my bed and watched my little aquarium fish swim circles in its tank. It's pale blue scales shimmered in the fading afternoon light. While my guppy seemed happy to see me, Mutt was very displeased with me having left for most of the morning. He whined and growled as he lay over my legs on the bed, his fluffy brown ears bent down to show his displeasure. At around a quarter past eight there came a knock on my door. I beckoned them in and in walked Melody with two trays of food balancing on her arms.

"Sorry." I muttered. "I forgot to bring you dinner."

"It's fine." She said as she sat the trays down on the bed. "This time I brought you food."

I sat up, pushing Mutt off my legs, and sat on the bed next to Melody. She handed me a plate and we ate together in silence.

"...how's Christian?" I asked. I hadn't seen him since that morning. I knew he was probably hurting but I was way too fragile myself at the moment to go and comfort him.

"He's pretty much the same as you." Melody answered. "He's in his room right now."

"Does he seem upset?"

"He's the same as you." She repeated.

"Are Patty and Arthur still here?"

"They left awhile ago."

"I see."

For awhile I kept trying to strike up a conversation but each time all I could muster was awkward small talk. I was in no mood for talking but at the same time I found the silence suffocating and left me feeling hollow. I had just about finished my food and was wracking my brain on something to say when all of a sudden there came a loud boom which echoed through the house. It shook my room and frightened Mutt who jumped off my bed and ran circles around the room before bolting for the door.

"What was that?" Melody asked.

"It sounded like an explosion." I said as I got up from my bed to investigate. Melody followed me down the stairs to the first floor where we found white smoke streaming out from the cracks in the door to Seally's study. I went to open the door when they suddenly opened by themselves and smoke billowed out, filling the hall, and from within the smoke a tall man emerged. He looked to be in his mid twenties with silky black hair and light skin. He was wearing a blue robe that was much too small for his fit body and he stumbled slightly, leaning against the wall, as he coughed up smoke.

"Damnit." He muttered. "I messed up."

I immediately recoiled at seeing a stranger in the castle but then he looked over at me with vibrant green eyes like a snake's.

"Don't freak out." He said as he regained his breathe. "It's just me."

"...Seally?" I asked.


"What the hell happened to you?!" I yelled. "You got big!"

"He got hot." Melody whispered behind me causing my cheeks to flare up slightly.

"I messed up is all. I was making a potion and it went boom." He says, visibly annoyed at his own error. "This..." He gestures towards his adult body. "This is temporary. It will go back to normal in a few days."

"Too bad." Melody muttered. I ignore her as I walk past Seally into the study and pull open the windows to let out the smoke and herby scent that filled the room. It smelt oddly of burnt lavender and basil and was so strong it caused my eyes to water slightly. Seally's large potion cauldron was in the center of the room with the dark pot charred black on the inside and the basin filled with the white remnants of the failed potion.

"What were you trying to make?" I ask. "It's been a long time since you last brewed a potion."

"Nothing important." Seally says as he tugs at his small robe. I don't believe him in the slightest. He gave up potion brewing a long time ago so what was he trying to do now?

"It's nothing important." Seally says again as he sees me staring at him. "Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to go try to find some bigger clothes."

"Go check Christian's room." I tell him and he nods before quickly leaving.

"What do you think he was trying to make?" I asked Melody as I try to clean up the scattered books that were thrown about in the explosion. Luckily there was no serious damage.

"Looks like poison to me." 

"Yeah, it does look pretty gross doesnt it?"

"No. I mean he is literally making poison." I look over and Melody holds up a book that had been laid out on the table. In it is a list of ingredients as well as a bunch of words in a language I didn't understand. "This is a recipe for poison. Seally was trying to make poison."

"What would Seally need poison for?" I ask.

"To kill someone."

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