Now Who Has The Crack Ships?

95 1 3

Asked by sassandsarcasm


To Author Sama: what’s your favorite DP ship and do you have any Fanfic recommendations for us phans who can’t find any new material?

And to Vlad: French kiss a cat *s u f f e r*

Author-kun: *blushes*

Skyler: Oooooooooooo!!!!!

Sam: What is it this time?

Author-kun: Vlad! You've been dared to French kiss Maddie!

Maddie: I DO NOT CONSENT!!!!

Vlad: But it's what the readers want, my dear.

Author-kun: I meant the cat, dumbass. No one would put Mrs. FENTON through that.

Skyler: Why so much emphasis on Fenton?

Author-kun: To remind Vlad that she married Jack instead of him and that they BELONG TOGETHER!

Skyler: *cackles* Oh my God, I love it here! But there's something we should do before being subjected to that horrible sight.

Sam:And what would that be?

Author-kun: *quickly trying to change the subject so that there's no more attention on him* Danny! AHow are you doing over there, bud?

Danny: ...I feel nothing...

Skyler: Author-kun here was asked a question about his favorite ship and fan fic recommendations.

Author-kun: *hides under blanket* No!! You'll never know my crack ship!!!

Sam: Okay, now I'm curious. What is your favorite ship, Author?

Author-kun: WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!

Skyler: Because you'llnever escape us! Now answer while I go get Maddie for her makeout sesh. *floats through the ceiling to go and find Vlad's cat*

Author-kun: *emerges from blanket* Fine! My favorite ship is... *mumbles*.

Sam: *tauntingly holds her hand up to her ear* What was that, Author-kun?


Paulina: *disgusted beyond belief and only lets out a high pitched screech that only dogs and very small children can hear*

Tucker: Oooh! *waggles his eyebrows and pulls out his tin of breath mints* 

Paulina: Never in a million years, techno geek.

Skyler: *returns with Maddie* That is quite the crack ship you got going, Author.

Author-kun: Well it's the only one I've got besides Sam and Danny. And Dash and Kwan, of course.

Dash: Shut up! I'm not gay! *he says as he cuddles further into Kwan's chest*

*everyone inthe room rolls their eyes and continues on with life*

Skyler: And the rest of the question?

Author-kun: I honestly got nothing when it comes to DP fics. There are very few on Wattpad to begin with and I haven't even checked Quotev or Archive of Our Own. So I got nothing. Sorry, Sassy.

Skyler: Oh well. Vlad, here's your creepily named cat. Now get to it.

*The next few minutes are censored due to adult themes, beastiality, non-consent on the cat's part and just a lazy writer not wanting to write about the above mentioned*

Skyler: Yes!!! Suffer!!!!

Author-kun: Alright then. Anyway, I'm sorry for being gone. I really can't catch a break! Not only am I sick and have missed a little less than two weeks of school, but I also need to schedule several appointments and just can't get around to anything. But despite all this, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And do not judge my ship. I think the two would be very good for each other. That, and I wanted something different from the usual.

Skyler: And we'll get Danny's reaction to Fixing Danny in a few chapters. Don't worry. It takes people a minute or two to read.


Skyler: Plus Danny is having a slight identity crisis from this.

Author-kun: (And I really don't want to read the story. Ugh!) So I hope you guys are having fun whether you're in school or working or whatever. (I don't judge. I'm coming up on 18 and I've rewatched the series 5 times or so.) I'll see you wonderful peeps in the next chapter! Until then, ¡adios!

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