You Can Do Better

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Question asked by: TerribleFrog

Comment (to Kitty):

Why do you like Johnny 13? ('Cause you can do better)

Author-kun: Hey! Kitty!

Kitty: What is it?

Skyler: Why do you like Johnny so much?

Johnny 13: Hey! I'll have you know that I'm a great eternal boyfriend!

Author-kun: You see that? Not even thinking about marrying you after all these years! In the great words of Beyoncé, if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it.

Kitty: There is nothing wrong with my Johnny! He'd do anything for me! And who says we have to be married to be happy?

Skyler: Yeah, Author! Jeez, that's not very forward thinking.

Author-kun: Sorry! I thought that's what all women complained about in a serious relationship.

Skulker: True that!

Ember: Don't test your luck, buddy.

Author-kun: Plus, didn't you try to date Danny to get Johnny jealous enough to still love you? Girl, that's unhealthy.

Kitty: Well... Johnny's not the best,

Johnny 13: I'm right here!

Kitty: But he's mine. And I love him, faults and all.

Skyler: Awwww! But why, though?

Johnny 13: Will you guys stop?

Author-kun: Alright, alright. By the way, Terrible Frog says that you can do better.

Kitty: Thanks, Froggy! But I'm perfectly happy with my Johnny-poo.

Every male in the room (except for the forward thinking Author) then breaks out into a fit of laughter at the pet name, Johnny glaring at them.

Author-kun: I guess that's it, then. And I know I don't say this a lot, but don't forget to vote, share and ask/request! If we can get to 200 votes and 5K views, I miiiiight do a face reveal. Maybe. (My face be ugly so you probably don't want to see that anyway, but I want my votes and views!) 

Sam hits Author on the head for being negative. 

Author-kun: I didn't even say it that time!

Sam: I can smell negativity.

Author-kun: Not surprised. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see y'all in the next one! Until then, tofa!

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