More of the Author Freaking Out!

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Author-kun: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone in the room covers their ears at the high pitched, inhuman noise that just came from the author's mouth.

Danny: What the heck, Author? Did someone just die?

Skyler: I think I just died a second time from that sound alone.

Author-kun: Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! GUUUUUUYS!!!!

Tucker: Are you okay?

Author-kun: NOOOOOO!

Sam: What just happened?

Author-kun: I have just found out that our story is ranked #10 in QnA! 

Dash: What does that mean?

Author-kun: Oh! That reminds me. Someone let Dash out of the cage.

Kwan walks over and lets his boyfriend out of the dog cage that Author forgot to let him out of in the last chapter.

Author-kun: Anyway, it means that out of all the stories that are tagged qna, we are ranked number 10!

Mikey: And how many stories are there in this tag?

Author-kun: I looked that up, not believing that something so amazing could be this impressive, and there are 104 total stories in that grouping. I am TENTH out of ONE HUNDRED and FOUR!

Another inhuman squeal escapes the Author's mouth and everyone cowers in fear.

Ember: Will you stop making that noise? 

Skulker: Yeah! It's penetrating my armor!

Author-kun: I don't care! I'm happy! 

Skyler: So are you gonna do that face reveal early?

Author-kun: No way. I've made it clear that I want 200 votes and 5k views before that happens.

Sam: That's a pretty pathetic number for you.

Author-kun: Not for this story.

Sam: May I tell the readers how many views you have on your-

Author-kun: No! We don't talk about that! I only keep that on my profile because, for some reason, people like it.

Sam: It's kind of terrible.

Author-kun: I WROTE IT IN EIGHTH GRADE, OKAY?! So we will not mention that ilk in my family friendly story.

Sam: You have mature chapters.

Author-kun: Shut up!

Danny: And may I mention that, since yesterday, we are officially over one hundred votes and at 3k views.

Author-kun: That's not exactly impressive, since we were really close to those last time.

Tucker: We're still drawing nearer and nearer to the face reveal.

Author-kun: Okay, you guys still see my face everyday. You don't need to get excited about that. 

Paulina: And his face is way ugly. No one wants to see that.

Author-kun: Someone FINALLY agrees with me!

While the author is reveling in the fact that someone agreed with him, Skyler is chasing Paulina around with a giant mace, Sam cheering her on and Star trying to stop her but failing.

Danny: You're not that bad looking, Author. 

Tucker: Yeah. You're actually kinda cute.

Author-kun: First of all, no I'm not. Second of all, that's gay, Tucker.

Dash: Bad Luck Tuck is GAYYYYYYY!

Kwan just face palms and sighs at his boyfriend trying to make fun of someone for being gay. 

Author-kun: Okay then. Anyway, I just wanted to share my happiness with all my lovely readers and all these amazing people here who have dealt with me torturing them in many different ways. And I just want to thank bookeatingworm for asking not only the first question, but several questions all throughout this journey of ours. Go and follow that person. And, of course, I have to thank Skyler for joining me in this wonderful place. Sorry. I'm emotional.

Sam: I'm still mad at her for forcing Danny and I to date.

Skyler: I like to think that I "pushed" you in the right direction.

Danny: Oh my god, are you crying, Author?

Author-kun: What? *sniff* No! Shut up! This is just the first story I've revealed both my name and appearance in. *sniff* It's no big deal.

Skyler: I know what you can do for this!

Author-kun: What? *sniff sniff*

Skyler: You can tell us your age or something!

Author-kun: Hooo! Well, in this universe, I'm 19 or so. Just like the others. (In reality, I've been 18 for a little over two months.) And I actually have a confession to make.

Skyler: What's that, Author.

Author-kun: I changed my name about a year ago. Jesse is actually my uncle's name, so I decided to change it so that my mom would stop freaking out about it. My preferred name is Atlas, but my birth name...

Sam: You don't have to tell them that, Author.

Author-kun: No, I... I want to... my birth name is Elizabeth.

Skyler: Woah. Really?

Author-kun: Yeah.

Danny: Like the quee-

Author-kun: Don't even.

Tucker: Gosh, Author. You never put your birth name online. Like, ever.

Author-kun: Well, it's not my full name, so my paranoia is quelled. And, I love my readers. I've gone through so much in the years I've been writing this story. I want to say I've been writing this story for a little over two years now? And all of my readers have been so patient with me! And I'm so happy whenever I update! All of the comments make me laugh, even if they aren't questions. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm gonna go look through chapters to see which ones I missed last time. I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Until then, selamat tinggal.

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