Your Destiny is worth dying for

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Your Destiny is worth dying for!

No matter what are you maybe going through right now, I want to tell you that you have a great, a great, a great Destiny!

There is a great potential inside of you!  Maybe you feel so hopeless right now because of the problems, trials, hardship, poverty and so many obstacles that burries you under the ground.

I can tell you that it's ok...
Remember you are a Seed! You need to feel like dying before you make a breakthrough from underneath the ground!

After that breakthrough, you will see your life growing each day, you will become like a tree and you will bare fruits that will benefit others, you will bare fruits that will benefit the world!

You have a great, great, great DESTINY!!! FIGHT FOR IT!!!

Use every trials and hardship as an stepping stone to your great Destiny.

(There's more about this book. Please stay tuned. Thank you for reading.).

To God be the Glory.

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