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One of our real problem is not poverty, not our family background, and not our appearance but our problem is we have a wrong mentality!

You will see a lot of people with great potential, talents and ability, but most of them are living an average life, they just work for others they are working the 8-5 job, it's not bad  but they become comfortable doing the easy things than to sharpen their potential.

It is because of a lack of right mentality.
Talents, potential and ability is nothing without having a right mentality.

So what could be the right mentality?
It must be like a lions mentality.
First you must see yourself as a Leader, use your talents, your potential your ability not just to earn money, but you must use it to influence other people, because your ability is like a fruit and you are the tree, people will come to you because of your fruit.

You are born Leader don't die as follower!

After having the mentality of a lion you must be, unstoppable. Your ability is your instrument to achieve your dreams, but along the way to our dreams big animals will try to block us, and every animals that will going to block us will become our foods along the way!

Remember this, you have great ability inside of you, bring it out and be the best you can be so you could become an inspiration to others!

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