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Are you tired of chasing your dreams?
Are you tired of working for your ambitions, and goals in life?

Then quit!
Quit chasing your dreams, and stay the same.
Quit working for your ambitions, stay being ordinary.
Quit grinding for your life goals, just watch others who achieved their life goals.

Are you really tired? Ok! Then stay on your comfort zone, stay being an employee on your 8-5 Job, just continue working for the dreams of others, you're tired, right?
Don't level up, just live, eat, drink, sleep.

You're tired, right? You have too many excuses, you never stop blaming others for your situation, that's good it can help you a lot, quit on your dreams and continue to make excuses, I understand you, you're tired.

Abort your dreams, live casually, be ordinary, make more excuses, live in your comfort zone, stay on your job, you're tired right?!

But the truth is, you are not tired!
You are not just committed to your Dreams!
You are not just determined, you are not just passionate!

If you are tired, just take a rest and do not over thinking.  We will only live once, and the Dreams we conquered will be the fruits that we share in this world.

You will only live once and you are thinking to Quit because you are tired?

Come on! It is better to die or to sweat blood along the way to your Dreams than to Quit! ( Are you, Coward!!? )

If you quit, then what's next!? Do you think that life will be easier if you quit!?
Do you think you can relax because you stop dreaming?! Do you think life will become easier if you don't have ambitions, and you only live casually, do you think that life will become better for you without your Dreams! If you live casually, you will be the casualty!

Now if there is something that you need to quit, QUIT YOUR ATTITUDE OF QUITTING!

Be Committed, be Determined and be Passionate! Living an ordinary life is not ideal, you will only live once, Dream big, make your life counts and be the best you can be, stop quitting!

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