Wrong Source of Happiness will Lead you to emptiness.

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People are pleasure seeker.
We all want to be happy in this life.
But now a days people are looking for happiness in a wrong way.

People are looking for happiness in the club, in relationship, in vices technology and so many more things that people think it can give them real happiness.

Like many young people today, their Moto in life is #YOLO
You only live once, do everything that can make you happy.

But the truth is, those thing that we think that can give us happiness is only leading us to emptiness.

Because the real happiness will never come from material things, it will never come from the outside world.
Real happiness will only come by knowing yourself worth.

We cannot find the real happiness in life without a true relationship with our Creator.
God is the only source of real happiness.
Wrong source of happiness will only lead us to emptiness.

Everything we need is in God alone.
Come back to God He is waiting for a long time.

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