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Our society is very oppressive, since from our childhood and on our Elementary days, high school days and college years, since from that moment of our lives we experienced a lot of criticism and judgements, from our classmates, friends, Teachers and even from our family we heard a lot of negative words, saying that we can do nothing we are nothing.

Even our educational system wants to oppress us, some of our Teachers and professors telling us that we are a failure, they are looking on us based on our grades on class card, they want to judge our future by the numbers they put on our class card, they sees us like a failure if our grades are low.

Some people judge us based on our family background, some look on us based on our financial capacity.

You see? People around us can judge us, they will criticize us, they will tell us that we are a failure, we are nothing, we are weak, blah blah blah!

That's why I want you to know who you really are! You are not born to fail, the truth is you are born winner!

It is very important to know that you are Born to win! Take note of this, in the marathon of 500 Million sperm cells from your father, you win! You are not just born to win, you are already a winner from the womb of your mother!

So don't accept the judgement of this world, do not accept the criticism of the people around you, do not look down on yourself because you fail in school, do not look down on yourself because of your family background and financial status.

You are better than what other people think, you are better than what other people says!
Whatever failure you experienced from the past, whatever failure and difficulties you are facing today, you still have the best future!

Your future is not ahead of you, it's inside of you, inside of you is a great potential, there is something inside of you that other people can't see!

Now what you need to do is to believe in yourself! Listen to yourself and not on other people who look down on you!

Remember this, no man have the right to dictate who you are, only God can dictate who you are! And if you will listen to God, He will tell you that you are a winner! You are a victor! You are a conqueror! You have a better destiny like what He said in JEREMIAH 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV).

our future is already done, it's God past, don't listen on the judgement of people, do not listen on their criticism, listen to God and believe in yourself!

You can do it! Continue to hold on to your Dreams no matter what will happen, no matter what your situation today, or your family background, your life status, please remember this, your future does not depend on that life situation, your future depends on what you believe...

Just hold on! Hold on! Hold on! You can be what you want to be, you can achieve your Dream if you will never stop believing!

Believe in God, believe in yourself and do not listen to the judgement of this world!

You are not born to fail, you are born winner!

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