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In this world everyone has fighting their own battle, no one is excempted when we talk about battles in life.

We see and we know a lot of people quitting in front of their life battles, they feel so depressed, they committed suicide, others quit on their Dreams, some people quit on their career and became a slave of addiction, that is how some people respond to to their life battles.

Everyone will face their own giant, everyone will go through a lot of difficulties, hardship, trials, problems, and failures, and if you did not train yourself for battle, if you did not prepare yourself to face your giants,  if you chose to live a casual life, one day you will be a casualty.

If you think that life will only give you happiness and a lot of fun, you're wrong!
Life isn't a fairytale. This life will throw you a lot of stones! Your enemy is always waiting for you and he is always ready to throw you into hell!

That's why you need to train yourself for battle, train hard! Stop searching for easy life!
If this life throws you a lot of stone, you must made a slingshot, collect those stones and make it your bullet, if the enemy is waiting for you, face him! Go get his head and scratch it on the door of hell!!! Kick his ass!

Yes this life is full of battles but at the end of the day, it's you against your will, you must use your will to always win your battle!
If their is someone who will lose, tell to yourself that this someone is not you!

Don't be casual! Don't live an average life!
Do not play safe! Get out of your cage! Get out of your comfort zone, one day you will face your giants, and if I we're you, if those giants will hunt me one day, I'm going to hunt them now and tear them all down!

Stop eating bread for breakfast, eat your giants for breakfast! (Rrrrrrrrrrrr!!!)

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