Cross over

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Wilderness is a place of test.
God wants to bless you, but before He did that He will test you, He will test your heart!

Wilderness is a place where only few people survive. Because in that place there is, trouble, trials, problems, poverty, discouragement, insecurity, hungerness and loniness.
That's why only few people wants to take that road.

Many people always looking for shortcut, and some are finding their luck on lottery, and some others much more willing to stay on Egypt than to cross over the wilderness.

Some of people we know chose to become average, they chose to stay on the middle class, some chose to become a slave of poverty!

Yes they don't want and they don't like their current situation, but because of fear, lack of self determination, lack of motivation, because of the lack of passion they don't want to face the test in the wilderness! You see that!? The real thing is this.
Wilderness is not a place to die!

Yes!  In the wilderness there's troubles, trials, problems, poverty, discouragement, hungerness and loniness and so on, yes you're right!

So what!? LET IT BE!!! Come what may!!!
Get courage!!! Come on!!! Don't make a shortcut!!! On the wilderness, this is the only place where your true nature, your true identity, will be reveal!

Only in the wilderness where you can know your strength and your  ability.

The wilderness is full of test, because no one grows without a test, no one become a champion, or a legend without a test, and after all the test you will have a testimony.

My friend we must and we can CROSS OVER THAT WILDERNESS.
We will not make a shortcut, we will face every difficulties, with courage and passion!

We will make every trials and hardship like breakfast in the morning.

Remember this, the wilderness is not the place to die, this is only our road to the promised land!

If you feel something like wilderness, if the road is not going easy, rejoice! You're on the way to the promised land!

God bless you!
(Stay tuned for more.).

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