Chapter 4

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A bright light shot through my eyelids and I opened my eyes to see a man half naked in a luxury suite.

Did I hire someone?. I thought to myself.

No, I probably didn't I'm broke, well whatever I should give the guy at least a few hundred. When I checked in my purse it looked like it was only going to be a hundred, I placed the bill down the ran out of the room quietly and cautiously.

"Hmm? The silly girl ran away from me again, well I won't let her run far ". I rushed back to Leah place and stormed in saying

"Leah I have to tell you what happened last night- " I stopped realising what I had walked into. Leah and some random guy on the couch together under a sheet!.

I was stunned I mean we both would share secrets with each other why hasn't she told me before? She was the pure friend you know the type of friend that always thought dating was bad.

"Dime uhm this is Liam, my boyfriend, Liam meet Dime my best friend ". I said nothing and flung myself out of the room, I sat on a bench outside. It was cold and I had short sleeves on

"I think I should go back in" I quietly muttered to myself.

I stood up then I saw Beth. She came over to me and said harshly to me:

"Not dead yet slut? Well, I'll make sure of that then".

Beth pushed me onto the curb where I fell with a thump and heard a screech like a car and once again I was in the darkness alone.

However somewhere in the darkness I heard a distant voice that softly said:

"Silly girl you don't run far do you?".

I woke up, again with the light shining in my eyes but this time a beautiful blossom tree was blooming outside with some petals slowly being carried away by the wind.

"Where am I? This smell smells so familiar to me".

Then I heard someone yelling I didn't want to be intrusive but I was really eager to find out. I mean what if I was in danger and the person who brought me here is a bad person!.

Who is this person?

I slowly walk out of the room and I was greeted with light and luxury was even an elevator in here. I walked round the corner and saw a young handsome man arguing with an old lady.

Th old lady seemed to be his mother because she said:

"Joey all my friends have grandchildren and have been married and you're here being lonely ".

He doesn't look like a bad person.Well, this is one way to pay him back I guess for helping me. Then I slowly walked in, held his hand and said:

"Hello auntie my name is Dimond you can call me Dime, I'm Joey's girlfriend. It a pleasure to meet the person who raised my baby Joey!".

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