Chapter 14

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As I slowly drifted asleep my mind suddenly remembered something.

I remembered that after my mother died I didn't really have friends because all of their parents would say that it was my fault.

However, I do remember that when I was ten I had a secret hiding place that I would go to if Beth and Devin were ever mean to me.

I would always go there to clear my thoughts. The place was well hidden with poison ivy branches and tree roots. It also looked horrible from the outside and you wouldn't be able to get in if you didn't know how.

Even though the outside looked extremely grey and ugly once you got inside the beautiful scenery seemed to be something out of a fantasy.

There was a huge waterfall that leads to a small pond and animals would always gather around.

The tall wide tree roots would weave its way around the place so I could climb on it and have my personal space no one knew except me and I was happy.

However, one day that wasn't the case.

It was raining really heavily that day and Devin had slapped me because I didn't get out of bed. I climb the roots and got into the place then I heard rustling in the bushes I remember saying

"Hey! If anyone there come out I'm armed with a stick!" I heard a laugh then a boy around my age came out and said

"Hey I'm trying to get away from the mansion as well "

I dropped the stick and ran but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small hole in the roots away from the rain then he quietly whispered in my ear

"Shhh they are looking for us. Be quiet!".

Even though he seemed so mean in the being he would come to this place often and we would play for the rest of the day until we heard people calling our names.

I ended up telling him everything that happened with my mother because I tested him. He understood my pain and we shared our secrets.

Nobody found out about our secret get-togethers I was worried at first because I knew he was a noble child and that he might tell his parents but he never told also a few weeks later we exchanged names he told me his name was Star I found it weird at first but I knew nobles were weird like that.

We were friends for two years and I ended up falling for him, however, one day he asked to meet.

I walked through the secret way and arrived there where he stood with his hair covering his face

" Hey Star what you wanna do today we could go swimming or play in the trees!" He moved closer to me and lifted my face the.

Slowly moved in closer. My mind was so confused what was he going to do but my body was numb by his touch because I loved him. I was so young yet I had seen love at first sight.

I could feel his lips then lock with my lips we stood there for a good minute just holding each other. Then he said some words that I couldn't make out at that time because for some reason it started to rain heavily but I could make it out in my dreams he said in a low voice

"Goodbye please forget me" then he walked off. I fell to my knees even though I didn't know what he said.

I thought he was lying or this was some kind of joke so I went there time and time again for 3 years to find him not there.

Beth followed me one day and told her mother who told my father and he had it removed because it was apparently too dangerous for me. A day before they destroyed it I sneaked as well as I could out and I stood at the shimmering lake where he said those words to me.

I could suddenly see as a shiny shimmering thing in the lake I threw myself in and grabbed it. It was half a star and there was a message engraved on the back but it was broken in the middle so it wasn't a full sentence it said

"I hope, Meet, because, me, don't" was he telling him to not meet here again I didn't understand but I made it the most valuable thing I had a neckless attached to it and never took it off.

I never forgot him because he was the first person whom I truly cared and loved after my mother died.🌟 

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