Chapter 22

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I took a deep breath and sat down. Joey sat next to me and then said:

"Mr and Mrs Pike my wife and I are here because I would like your blessing," Joey said whilst holding my hand.

My father had a sad look in his eyes as he looked at us. Devin looked incredibly scared and Beth kept her mouth shut and didn't say anything. Nick just held Beth's hand and looked at us we were in an awkward silence until my father said:

"Joseph" Joey immediately looked up and grinned then said

"Father we are family now no need for formalities it just Joey," he said cheerfully.

I was astonished my father had smiled when he took a deep breath and said:

"Mr Houston, you are a very smart man and I'm sure that you know about Diamonds mother and our family secrets. In any case, you must know we as a family do not hate Dime. I thought..." My father paused for a moment then looked at me and continued.

"I thought when Diamonds mother died it wouldn't be fair for her to live without a mother and because Devin had one of my children already then I thought she was the right person however through all these years I've turned a blind eye towards how my wife and daughter have treated Dime." He turned and looked at Devin as if to ask do you have anything to say.

Devin turned to me however she looked different because she didn't have those mean nasty eyes that wanted to kill me but eyes that wanted to wrap around me. She then spoke out and said:

"Dime you may never forgive us and I don't expect you two but you are a sweet girl and I want you to have happiness so you have my blessing." I was shocked she looked so sad her eyes filled with sadness. I was eager to find out why and so I asked her.

"Could...could you tell me why you didn't like me?" I felt like I shouldn't have asked it but I was curious.

"Dime, when I got pregnant with Beth I thought your father and I could have a life of peace and love but when I heard a beautiful, kind woman was going to be with your father I panicked and jealousy took over. Did you know your mother and I were really good friends?" Things were just coming out too suddenly and everything was too much.

Devin knew my mother. Joey's mother knew her as well. Should I forgive them? Too many questions and not enough answers

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