Chapter 17

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I didn't know what to do. The price was over anything I could imagine if I told her I couldn't afford it then I would look like an idiot!.

"Uhm excuse me but I can't have the dr-" before I could finish my words there was a "Beep!" Sound. I looked to my left and it was Joey!.

"Joey what are you doing here?." I asked

"Well, I'm buying my wife here a dress." He kissed my cheek and wrapped his hands around my waist then said to the cashier

"Get me the diamond tiara for my wife also I'll buy all the jewellery in this store" He exclaimed then gently brushed the hair away from my cheeks.

The woman nervously and quickly said "Yes Mr Houston"

She looked really nervous. He looked at Leah and shook her hand and said

"My silly girl is pretty stupid at times and she's stubborn so please look after her for me!"

She nodded and shook his hand then stood by me. Joey turned to me and said

"I have business to attend to right now so I'll see you this afternoon also my father will be there and the rest of my family so you will get a chance to meet the whole family. Haha, don't be nervous." Then he walked away

"Miss here is all of the things Mr Houston bought for you, " the assistant said. There were so much shine and glimmer in the bag. I looked at Leah who was still speechless. I didn't know what was wrong so I placed my hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes and gave her a questioning look. Then she softly spoke

"You wanna come back to mine then afterwards we can go to the party together?" I nodded and we got a taxi and excitedly talked all the way there. We arrived at her apartment and I sat down as she put on her dress. I thought to my self about everything that happened and how Joey paid for an extremely expensive dress.

"Well, how do I look?" Leah came out of her room and spun around she looked so beautiful and stunning. A tear escaped my eye and Leah hugged me "Uhm I know I'm a really bad person because I'm about to ruin the mood because well... Liam is going to the gathering as well." She said apologetically. I only smiled and wiped the tear off my face and said

"It's fine. Is he part of one of the families attending, "I asked. Leah nodded and grabbed my hands then pushed me into the room. I think she wants me to wear my dress.

I placed my gold and white dress on, shoes and some jewellery then looked at my self in the mirror. My father always said I looked like my mother so is this how she would have looked?. I stepped out of the room and Leah immediately had tears run down her cheek.

" Oh, you look like a princess!" We hugged each other then grabbed everything we needed. Leah got a message on her phone.

"Its Liam he says he is outside" we got into the limo and went to the gathering. On the way there she asked me a question that I didn't know how to answer

" Dime do you know anything about the man you married?"

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