Chapter 16

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"Hey silly girl you are being stupid and you are drunk so you don't know what you are talking about," Joey said holding me in his arms.

The nightclub was loud so nobody paid attention to us.

"Joey I will cause a scene if you don't!"

Joey looked at me uneasily then pulled back my hair to reveal tears that came down my face.

"If this is what you want then ok but you better remember this tomorrow morning!" I fell asleep in his arms. "Well silly girl lets get a marriage certificate"

He placed !e down on the bed and said: "Hey silly girl this is our wedding night is not going to let you sleep!" All I felt was tiredness that night. Joey's strong arms and muscles wrapped around me and made me so warm.

"Oh my God, my head hurts so much!" Joey came into the room and sighed

"well that's what you get for drinking " he walked towards me and gave me some water.

"Let's go downstairs my mother has nearly finished making the food".Joey helped me walk down the stairs we walked hand in hand I for the first time I felt wanted.

" Oh my! You two look like a mess! Well did you have fun, last knight?. She giggled and taunted as towards the table. She placed water and some toast with beans, bacon and eggs on my plate then sat down as well.

"How could you two keep such a huge secret from me!" Joey's mother shouted. I looked at joey thinking that we got found out about the lie and how I wasn't really his girlfriend. I took a deep breath and drank some water.

"Well, why didn't you tell me you got married yesterday!" The water shot out of my mouth and Joey immediately came to help me. I could slowly remember what happened last night when I begged Joey to marry me!.

I was speechless Joeys mother just smiled and congratulated us.

"Well, there is a party happening this afternoon so you both should announce your marriage then!" Joeys mother said eagerly waiting for our response. I uneasily looked at Joey for an answer he nodded and said:

"I don't know about the announcement but I know I have to go for business corporations" as he said those words I realised I didn't know what job he did.

"Oh, can I bring my friend Leah along?" I said excitedly. I wanted a friend there because I wasn't going to be alone and who else was I supposed to talk to?.

Later Leah and I went out shopping because we needed clothes for the occasion. We went to lots of shops but found nothing we liked. Then Leah found a beautiful purple dress that she brought and I still hadn't found anything I liked.

"Dime you need to choose something asap! Also, it's getting late I'm sure your husband will be mad if you get home in time." She laughed and winked I knew I shouldn't have told her but still I wanted to know her opinion on the fact that we got married.

"Yeah yeah rub it in. But still, I don't know why but I'm happy because of everything that happened. I still wonder what my parents are going to do when they found out I'm married. Well, let's look around for one last time for something to wear."

We walked around until I saw a beautiful gold and white dress that sparkled it was absolutely fabulous and I this was the dress I wanted. I dragged Leah into the shop and showed her.

"Oh my goodness it is so beautiful and so you. Why don't you get it." I nodded at her and asked the assistant to grab one in my size.

"Well ma'am, if that's all then your total, is $9999." My jaw dropped I realised I didn't look at the price tag!

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