Marshall's Decision

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A/N: Per request, a story based off the song River. I took poetic license, so it doesn't track exactly, but I hope you like it anyway.

I booted up my computer, anxious to see if I had any messages from Kiara. Tapping my fingers against the desk, I looked over the room and waited impatiently for Windows to load. It wasn't an old computer, but it still took a little bit for it to function. Once it finally stopped whatever the fuck process happens in the background, I logged into my Facebook account and started scrolling.

It always took forever to get through these messages. For a long time, I'd had an assistant help me. However, about six months ago, I'd been bored and done it myself. That was the first time I saw a message from her.

Kiara was sweet and kind. She'd told me she'd been a fan for years and her messages always came across like we were already in the middle of a conversation – as if we were just picking up from where we'd left off. It had sucked me in and now, six months later, I was the only one who checked my messages because I wanted to be the only one to see what she had to say to me.

As I deleted message after message, responding to some and ignoring many others, my eyes lit upon her name. I opened it and sucked in a breath at what I read. We'd been building to this, but I hadn't known how I'd feel about it until I saw the words on the screen.

Kiara's marriage had gone to shit. A couple of months back, she discovered that her perfect life was a lie. Her husband, who was some kind of businessman, was out creeping on her on the regular. He had to travel a lot for work and apparently, he took the time away to his advantage. She'd learned about it by accident, finding a condom wrapper in his bag one day as she was loading his laundry. Once she'd discovered that, she went looking for more evidence and eventually discovered that he had a stable of side women all over the country that were keeping him busy when he was away.

Kiara had raged that night and several of the nights thereafter. She'd let all her betrayal and hurt out into messages that she'd told me to just delete when I received. She'd told me that she needed to get it out, but that I didn't need her drama. I hadn't listened to her instructions. Instead, I'd read every word and I'd felt her pain, having been there myself. Someone like Kiara didn't deserve what she'd been dealt.

I hadn't known how to proceed afterward though, and so I'd let her take the lead. After a little bit, her messages started to ease up on the rage. They weren't bitter, but they did contain more heat. She'd checked out of her relationship, even if the ring were still on her finger. His betrayal had left her feeling that she was open to do the same. Tonight, she'd dropped the bomb that I'd been expecting.

Do you want to meet in person, Marshall?

The words glared at me on the screen. I knew better than to say yes. She was still another man's girl, even if that man had tossed her aside for a side chick or seven. But I couldn't. There was something about Kiara that had settled under my skin. I desperately wanted to see her. Knowing that this was a bad fucking idea, I wrote her back, suggesting a hotel in the city, and waited.


Two nights later, I was sitting in the penthouse of a downtown hotel, staring out the window. I ran a hand over my eyes and head, frustrated at myself for doing this, even though I knew I wasn't backing down. I wanted Kiara and I wasn't going to stop if she wanted me, too.

I stood and turned as the door to the hotel room opened and felt the air whoosh out of my lungs. She was fucking rocking. The one photo she'd sent hadn't done her justice at all.

She closed the door and walked toward me, her heels clicking on the tile by the door before becoming muffled by the carpet of the living room. I watched her move, the dip of her waist accentuated by the tight, black dress that she had on. It covered everything but left nothing to doubt. She was fit and curvy and I was going to fucking lose it if I didn't have my hands on her, now.

"Hi, Marshall." She said, her dark eyes looking up into mine.

"Hey, baby girl." I said, stepping closer and sliding both hands around her waist. Without another word, I bent down and took her mouth in a searing kiss, putting all the pent up need that had built for the last two months into it.

Kiara hummed in her throat, raising her hands to slide light fingertips over the back of my neck. The touch was delicate, barely there, and it ratcheted up my desire more than I could fucking stand. With a growl, I pulled her against me and carried her back to the bedroom.

Our hands became frantic as we moved. Our mouths couldn't get enough of one another. As clothing began to litter the floor, the sounds of skin being touched and sucked on became louder. In no time, Kiara was bare before me, her lightly mocha colored skin glowing in the night shining through the window.

"So fucking beautiful." I said, dipping my head to her navel. Her hips raised, wanting more of me on her. She was wearing a maroon lace and her breath was panting into the room as I touched her.

"Hmm, yes." She said, approval and passion heavy in her voice as I slid her panties off of her.

I bit my way back up her body, marking her but uncaring. When I made it up to her bra, I ripped it in my need, causing her to squeal slightly as I smiled darkly at her. I gave her no warning, no time to think as I plunged my head down into her chest, capturing one nipple in my mouth as my hand tested to see how ready she was for me.

I groaned into her skin, sucking hard until she cried out as I my finger glided effortlessly through the wet of her pussy. The feeling drove me insane. Her smell, her sounds, the way she moved against me as we kissed and touched, I couldn't handle it anymore. In one swift, almost punishing move, I slammed into her, throwing my head back in the glory of feeling her wrapped around me.

"Fuck!" I yelled, as our pace became more and more frantic. Kiara was moaning my name, pulling at my hips to pound into her harder and harder as her legs wrapped around my waist.

"I'm coming, oh God!" She cried and I felt her walls close around me, my mind going supernova at the tight clamp that held my cock. I bent to her, rutting into her with need and abandon until I couldn't feel anything but the sparks of fire consume me.

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