Marshall's Promise

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"Can we talk?" I asked, shifting on my feet as I looked down into her eyes. They carried confusion and pain, but no anger. How the fuck wasn't she raging at me right now? She nodded and looked back to the guy behind the desk.

"Please mark me as out for the remainder of the day, Danny." She said and then gestured toward the doors. I nodded and walked with her, opening the tall glass door for her to step through first. When we were on the other side of the doors, she stopped and cocked her head at me.

"Where do you want to talk?" She asked and I sighed and stuffed my hands back in my pockets, looking to the ground as I thought.

"How about I take you to a place around the corner. They make a great pie." I offered and she nodded, her eyes still guarded.

We walked side by side and I was fucking dying inside. Her perfume wafted to me on the breeze and her cute waddle was killing me. I needed to touch her, to put my hands over the evidence of our coming together, but I kept control by the barest of threads.

When we got to the restaurant, the hostess sat us in a booth near the windows. Kiara smiled at the woman and we both ordered waters as we looked over the menus. I peeked at Kiara over mine, finding her biting her lip as she looked at something. I couldn't help my response.

"What is it you see, baby girl?" I asked, amusement coloring my tone as I spoke. Kiara looked up at me shyly and shook her head.

"No, it's okay." She said and I put my hand out, placing it over hers on the menu.

"Kiara," I pleaded and she looked back at me and let out a breath.

"He likes cheese fries." She responded and once more, I couldn't breathe.

"A boy?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly. Kiara nodded, a shimmer of tears glazing over her eyes for a moment as she smiled.

"I was going to wait to find out, but I couldn't." She said. She turned to her purse and pulled out a rectangle and slid it across the table.

My hands were shaking as I looked at the ultrasound. It was a 3D version, showing me the face of my baby boy. One hand came up to my mouth as I stared in wonder, my eyes pricking with the sting of the moisture that came to them. When I looked up, Kiara had a tear sliding down her cheek as she watched me, but there was happiness in her eyes.

"I knew you'd love him." She whispered and I nodded, swallowing hard as I tried to speak.

The waitress came back at that moment, giving me a slight reprieve from the volcano of emotion that was building. I cleared my throat and ordered us cheese fries and blueberry pie and she walked away, writing it down. I turned back to the image on the table, captivated by the sight. When I spoke, it was low.

"I don't have any excuse, Ki." I said, my self-hatred clear. "I was overwhelmed and stupid and I fucking left you to deal with this by yourself." I continued, looking up to her face. "But you're not alone anymore. Whatever you want. Whatever you need. Whatever you're willing to give, I'll take it." I said.

"Please, let me be a part of your lives." I pleaded.

"Our lives?" She asked, her voice soft and a little raspy. I nodded, reaching for her hand on the table once more.

"Yes. Both of you." I confirmed. "I've been wasting away, baby girl. I fucked up and then I couldn't face myself, let alone you. I didn't walk because I didn't want you. I always wanted you." I admitted and Kiara stared into my eyes, trying to read them.

"You hurt me, Marshall." She said and I nodded.

"I know," I said, closing my eyes at the thought. "But it was never your fault. I was lost." I told her, hoping she'd believe me.

She nodded and was about to speak when the food came. She pulled her hand back and smiled at the waitress and then looked at the large plates in front of us. Her eyes had lit up again and I couldn't help the goofy smile that came to me.

"Eat up, baby." I urged her and she turned her smile to me, easing some of the pain in my heart.

We talked as we ate, Kiara filling me in about the baby and me talking about what I was doing with my time. The minutes passed until we'd been there for two hours, just talking like a normal fucking couple would. It was the closest I'd come to feeling alive and right with the world in ages. When our conversation started to ease, Kiara checked her phone.

"Oh, wow. We've been here for a while." She said, her expression guilty. "We should probably give up the table." She murmured and I wanted to argue; she still hadn't told me what she was thinking about what I'd said, what I'd begged to have. I got up, though, and offered her my hand so that she could move out of the booth.

When we stepped out of the restaurant, Kiara stopped suddenly and grabbed my hand. She put it over her belly and I felt my little man kick. I sank to my knees, moving my other hand up to feel it as he moved within her.

Awestruck, I knelt at Kiara's feet for minutes. When I looked up, she was smiling down at me with kindness. I didn't fucking deserve that look, but I was going to take it. I would take everything she'd offer.

I stood and acting on impulse, leaned in to kiss her. Months of need, of want, of unexpressed love fueled my kiss as I took her in my arms. Her own slid around me, gripping me tight as she responded. Kiara kissed me like she'd actually missed me - like she forgave me. She kissed me like maybe, she loved me, too.  When I pulled back, it was only to raise my head. I kept my arms around her as I looked in her eyes and bent my forehead to hers.

"I'm so fucking in love with you. Forgive me, please. I'll do anything." I whispered.

"Anything?" She asked quietly and I nodded.

"Anything." I replied.

"Don't hurt me again. I can't take it." She responded and I nodded, still holding her close. "You promise?"

"Never again, baby girl. I love you. I love him. You have all of me." I said. She searched my eyes and smiled softly.

"I get cravings in the middle of the night." She said, amusement starting to dance in her eyes. I nodded, smiling back at her, knowing that she was going to do it. She was going to take me back.

"I'll be there all the time. You'll get pissed about how much I hover. And, I'll get whatever little man desires." I answered. Kiara leaned forward, snagging my lips in a soft, easy kiss that had my heart singing.

"Then take me home."

A/N: There we have it:  our first short for the new book. I thought I might not be able to do this one in just Marshall's perspective, but I like the flow of it this way. Hope you enjoyed!

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