Eminem's Peace

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"Fucking really?" Paul groused as I opened the door to Jazz's house.

I rested one shoulder on the doorjamb, crossing my arms over my chest, and gave him a look. I wasn't apologizing for being here. He may have Jazz's interests at heart, but it wasn't his fucking decision.

He looked like death warmed over. His clothing was rumpled and slightly askew and his breathing was labored. He was swaying slightly on his feet and it looked like he was trying to come up with something halfway intelligent to say, despite his clear drunkenness.

"Didn't take you long to get in her pants, eh?" He asked and I heard the sucked in breath behind my shoulder.

I straightened, looking at Jazz with sympathy as she looked squarely at Paul. Her face showed hurt for a the barest of seconds before anger took its place. She was pissed.

"Not that it is any of your business, but Marshall has been a gentleman." She said, her tone icy.

I didn't snort, but my brain had the decency to have a flash of guilt. If she'd known what I were thinking for most of the night, she wouldn't have described me as anything near a gentleman. In contrast to me, Paul scoffed his disbelief, poking a finger into my right pectoral as he stepped over the threshold.

"Because being half naked is the picture of proper behavior?" He challenged and Jazz sighed, running a hand over her forehead.

"What do you want, Paul?" Her tone was disheartened, sad, and I didn't fucking like it.

"I came by to apologize!" Paul said loudly as he gestured to me. "Fucking Marshall reamed my ass today and," he paused as he moved to stand in front of her, "I fucked up."

Paul bent his frame to look better into Jazz's eyes and I quirked my lips and shut the front door. However the fuck he got here, I couldn't let his ass go home now. Locking it, I turned to find him in a stare down with Jazz.

"You came to apologize?" She asked. "Let's hear it." She demanded and Paul sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry, Jazz." He said quietly. "I was trying to protect you, but that's no excuse for what I said. I didn't mean it." He explained and Jazz looked at her feet, her body deflating a bit.

"I like him, Paulie." She said, her words soft and slightly pleading. "I know you think it's just the shit I felt when I was a kid, but it isn't." She continued. He huffed and shook his head.

"I know, Jazz. That wasn't what I was worried about." He denied and I blew out a loud breath. Jazz's eyes moved to mine as she frowned and then she pushed Paul. The action was hard enough that he stumbled two steps back. 

"You apologize to Marshall right now!" She demanded, her temper impressive in its heat.

While she'd been sad and pleading on her own behalf, she was raging on mine. Paul raised both hands, trying to placate her, but she wasn't having it. Instead, her eyes narrowed as she kept talking.

"Almost twenty years, Paul. Two decades, I've been hearing about him. You love him like family. Act like it." She demanded.  Paul nodded and turned to me, his expression sorrowful.

I noted that Jazz slipped away as Paul moved over to the recliner in the living room and sat down heavily. I walked over to the couch and sat, watching him with interest. Throughout our friendship, I'm usually the one who had to apologize. This was a relatively new thing for me.

"She's right, man." He said lowly as he stared at his feet. "I shouldn't have said the shit I did. I'm sorry." He continued, looking up into my eyes. I nodded, looking away for a minute before I spoke.

"Pissed me off, man." I said, looking to where Jazz had been. "It's her call. No one else's." I noted and he looked at me with bleary eyes.

"No one else's?" He asked and I shrugged as half a smile came to my face. Paul saw it, of course, and started to laugh.

"No shit." He muttered, rubbing a hand over his neck as he leaned back in the chair. "Well, if that's how you feel, then I'm an even bigger asshole for fucking with it." He said. There was a long pause between us before he spoke again.

"We good?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, but don't expect me not to use this shit." I responded and he grimaced, knowing that he was going to end up in a song somewhere along the way.

"Yeah, I deserve it." He answered as Jazz walked back in the room with pillows and a blanket. 

"Here," she said, her voice softer than it had been when she'd left the room. "Take the couch." She demanded as I stood and moved around him. Paul narrowed his eyes as I started to move toward the hallway, but backed off when I stared back at him with a raised brow.

When I got back to the bedroom, I found that Jazz had turned down the bed. She moved to the side, slipping off her jeans and I swallowed hard at the sight of her legs. She caught me looking and smiled.

"Not tonight," she said. "Things are still too new." She paused for a second. "And I wouldn't do that to Paul; he'd have nightmares for years." She joked. I nodded and slipped my own jeans off, willing my raging hard on to just tamp the fuck down.

I got into the bed as Jazz killed the lights and then I felt the mattress dip. She moved over, sliding her back against my chest in a horizontal replication of how we'd been on her bike. Although I was turned on, I was also at peace, feeling her in my arms. I  buried my nose in her neck and soon, I was out.


I woke up to soft curves still tightly within my grasp. Although I tend to move around a lot in my sleep, it seemed like my body was cool with Jazz, because I hadn't shifted an inch from my position last night. I was still plastered against her, my legs tangled up in hers while my arms circled her waist.

I breathed deeply, enjoying the steady strum of my heartbeat as I listened to the sounds of the world wake up around us. Dust particles sparkled in the air as the sun started its ascent, shining through a high window. Cars were droning past the house, the music their drivers were listening to occasionally intruding enough to hear the rhythm.

"MMmm," Jazz murmured, stretching against me in that catlike way that only women could do.

I smiled, enjoying the sensation of her against me.  I'd slept better last night than I had in ages and I knew it was because of her.  I placed a soft, open mouthed kiss to her shoulder where her collar came down and she arched into me. Fuck, she felt amazing.

"Good morning, princess." I responded, my voice husky from sleep. Jazz shivered and turned to me slightly, her eyes soft and happy.

"You'd go platinum in a week if you sold an album with nothing more than you saying things like that." She said and I bent down and nipped her chin.

"Then what would I say to you?" I asked and she smiled.

"Good point. I'll keep all your morning rumbles to myself."

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