Marshall's Gift

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"So, what's the word on the new job?" Denaun asked Sarah as she took a drink of whatever was in her hand. She smiled as she turned to him, directing her focus away from me and giving me a reprieve from the agitation that was twisting up my guts.

"Got it." She said, her dark eyes flashing with pride. "I signed off on an apartment this morning. You're looking at Detroit's newest resident." She said and Biz and Denaun both gave her side hugs. There were questions in my mind, but I didn't feel right about asking them. Sarah, though, once more took pity on me and answered them anyway.

"I moved out of state for a good ten or so years. I just landed an I.T. job here in town, so I'm back." Sarah explained and I nodded.

As I was about to ask her if we could step off to the side and talk, some woman took the mic at the stage and the lights came up slightly. The crowd quieted down as she looked over the group, enjoying the power that comes when people stand up and pay attention. When she had the majority of the room focused, she started speaking.

"Alright, all. Everyone knows the rules. We had two volunteers agree to start up, and they chose to go easy on the birthday boy. As a result, Biz and Denaun will be battling each other in the alter egos of Superman and Batman shortly."

The crowd started hooting and hollering, the wave of excitement for what was coming enough to shift people around and put Sarah right next to me. I could smell the peaches of her shampoo or lotion on her, we were so close, and yet she gave no sign of being uncomfortable. It was like I'd been relegated to a memory, despite standing inches from her.

As Denaun and Biz made their way to the stage, the crowd moved around again and I was standing slightly behind her. Her ear was in line with my mouth, now, and I decided that I wasn't going to wait any longer. The work it would take to get everything set would give us a good ten minutes.

"Can we talk?" I asked, speaking directly into the shell of her ear. She tilted her head toward me, so I knew she heard my question. It took her a moment to respond, though. When she did, it was to speak over her shoulder.

"Why drag up the past?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Because that past still haunts my present." I answered. Her eyes softened and she nodded, pointing around her drink to a side door.

"We can probably sneak out for a few minutes, but they're going to notice if the birthday boy bails." Sarah noted and I nodded.

She moved toward the door and I followed, placing my hand at the small of her back as we maneuvered through the crowd. I couldn't fucking tell you what made me ballsy enough to do it, but I felt a spark of something when she didn't move away. Instead, she merely continued through the exit and turned to face me in the dim lights of a hallway that probably lead to the club owner's offices.

I licked my lips slightly, caught in her gaze, before I looked away. I didn't know how to start this conversation, no matter how much time I'd had to think about it. I'd never really believed I'd get the chance.

"You don't know what to say." Sarah said flatly. Her face gave no hint whatsoever what was going on in her mind. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and looked at my feet.

"No, I really don't." I admitted. She sighed and I looked up. Her eyes were looking at me kindly, which I didn't fucking deserve.

"You loved her." She said. "When a man loves a woman and all that." She said, a slight smile flirting at the edges of her lips.

"It's no excuse." I argued, not willing to have her let me off the hook so easily.

After all the shit I'd said, all the horrible things I'd thought, I should have been raked over the fucking coals. She nodded, setting her drink down on the ground in the hallway and crossing her arms. She put an overly dramatic, stern expression on her face and then tapped her foot.

"Very well. Grovel." She demanded in a falsely low voice. I chuckled, shaking my head at her antics. I'd forgotten how Sarah could make me laugh.

"Quit being reasonable, damn it." I responded and her stern expression gave way to a calmer, quieter one.

"Won't lie, Em. It hurt." Sarah answered, piercing my heart with her words. "But I'm a big girl. I got over it. Besides, you weren't exactly wrong." She continued and I shook my head in denial.

"No, I fucking was, Sarah." I argued as my hand came up to her arm. "You weren't just a fucking groupie. You were a friend and I stomped on that." I stepped closer, looking down into her eyes. "I'm sorry."

Sarah searched my face for a moment before raising her hand up to my cheek. It was oddly comforting, feeling her touch. I closed my eyes, relishing the serenity that she seemed to give with such a simple gesture.

"I forgive you." She said softly. "I did a long time ago."

I opened my eyes, looking for any sign that she was holding on to some resentment, some hurt, but all I found was sincerity shining in hers. I nodded and started to speak, but then a bang came from the door we'd entered. The sound brought me back to where we were and I realized that the crowd was quieting again. They were about to start the battles.

"We should head back in. I can't wait to see Superman kick Batman's ass." Sarah said, stepping back with a grin. I smiled and jogged my head toward the door and she passed me.

I was pulled forward as we made it through the door and I tagged Sarah's hand so that she'd stay close. She'd given me the best fucking birthday gift I'd had in a long time and I wasn't about to let the feeling she caused go. When we got to the front, there wasn't a lot of room. Given that she was smaller than me, I pulled her in front and stood behind her.  As the crowd pulsed, we were pushed close enough for her back to rest against my chest.

I didn't move away. Rather, as we watched Denaun and Biz go at each other in their ridiculous alters for the night, I moved closer. When Sarah was jostled by some rowdy drinkers, I shifted my arms around her and kept them there, using my shoulders to block any more bumps.

Sarah shouted and cheered as we stood there watching battle after battle take place, some in comic book alters, others in various commentary on my random ass bullshit. I enjoyed the show from over her shoulder, booing and cursing good-naturedly as I was roasted for being a prankster and asshole and cheering and shouting encouragements for my favorite superheroes when they were on stage. Deep into the night, we laughed and listened.

It was the best birthday I'd had in years.

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