Eminem Likes It

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Jazz's words went a long way to calming down the storm raging inside of me, but there was still plenty of emotion that was unresolved. As I looked down into her eyes, I had to make sure we were on the same page.

"I understand why you did it, Jazz." I said, my hands moving to rest on her hips as I pushed away. "I value family, loyalty." I continued.

"But I can't have you disappearing on me. You got a problem that involves me, you need to fucking talk to me." I said, my tone still harsh from the rage of the fight with Paul. Jazz nodded, understanding shining in her eyes.

"Alright." She said. "But, how the hell are we going to make this work? Paul-" I cut her off, not wanting to talk about him right now.

"Later. We'll handle him later." I demanded. "Right now, I'm trying not to lose my fucking sanity."

Jazz nodded again and then a teasing light came into her eyes. Whatever she was about to say, she took pleasure in the thought of it. I cocked my head, waiting for the shoe to drop.

"I can take you for a ride." She said, her voice almost a singsong quality.

At least forty percent of the time with her, I'm swimming in lustful thoughts. Those words shifted the percentage substantially. I smirked, sliding my hands around to her ass as I pulled her closer.

"If it's a ride you want, princess." I said and she shook her head and laughed, pushing at my shoulder. I stumbled back slightly and she turned, giving me the sexiest come hither glance I've ever seen over her shoulder.

"On my bike, Marshall." She said, using one index finger to gesture for me to come closer as she slipped one leg over the motorcycle. I walked over, looking at it and then at her.

"You want me to ride bitch?" I asked, not quite believing what she was suggesting. She tugged her helmet on and shifted to a side saddle, pulling out one for me.

"Live a little." She said in response, and I took the helmet and climbed on.


"You're fucking insane!" I yelled as we pulled into the driveway of Jazz's place. It was late in the evening, probably getting close to midnight. We'd literally been zooming around the state for hours. Jazz shrugged as she stepped off the motorcycle, pulling her helmet off and grinning at me.

"I think you like it." She challenged.

She wasn't fucking wrong. I did like that she was a little crazy. I liked that she was a former stripper who would get embarrassed when she said what she was thinking. I liked that she drove like a maniac, pushing the limits of her motorcycle and gravity. I liked the way she talked and how she smelled and how her body had felt fucking made for mine as I'd held on to her from behind. I liked how she shivered when I called her princess and how her tongue would peek out slightly when she was thinking about something. I liked everything about her.

"My car is back at Paul's." I noted as we walked up her path. She nodded and unlocked the door, gesturing for me to go inside.

"I know. But I didn't want the night to end." She responded and I quirked a brow. She shook her head, turning serious. "I missed talking with you." She admitted as she pulled her hair out of the twisty thing and ran her fingers through it.

I stepped closer, moving her hand away and running my own fingers through it. She closed her eyes, an expression of pure contentment taking over her features as her hands came to rest at my belt loops.

"Hmm," she hummed, tilting her head to give me greater access.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, curious. I'd be down in a heartbeat if she wanted to start tasting each other's skin, but I had a feeling that wasn't on the menu tonight. She opened her eyes and smiled.

"I plan to blow your mind in that back bedroom." She said, her eyes devilish. There was an instantaneous heat that spread through me, but that look was unmistakable. She was teasing me.

"Is that right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep. Go kick off your shoes and spread out in the middle of the bed." She instructed as she moved into the kitchen, leaving me to shake my head in bemusement.


"I did it, didn't I?" Jazz said, leaning over my body from her position on my ass.

I was lying face down on her queen bed. She'd followed me shortly after I'd come back here, bringing drinks to sit on the side table.  Then, she'd insisted I remove my shirt and she'd turned on a serious fucking stereo system.  She had demanded that I stay put while song after song rolled over me. Then, she sat on me and starting rubbing my shoulders.

"Hmm," I said, unable to use words. I was boneless. She chuckled, continuing to work her hands over the knots in my back.

"I'm sorry I upset you." She said, her voice contrite. I popped an eye open, looking at her from my position with a slight frown.

"That's what this is about? You're apologizing?" I asked and she nodded as her hands moved down either side of my spine.

"I shouldn't have done it that way. Even if I were going to call off, I should have at least talked to you." She answered, her voice soft.

My arms were lying flat on either side of my body. Their position left me in a good spot to turn my hands and grip her calves, which I did. Squeezing them, I started to move and she squealed, throwing her hands around my shoulders as I sat up. I flipped her so that her back was on the bed and I was caging her from above. Her eyes were laughing up at me and I couldn't remember ever seeing anything more beautiful.

"You should have. But, I get it. It's forgotten." I told her. She shook her head slightly, as if to argue, and I cocked my head and raised a brow in challenge.

"I'm not above putting you over my knee if you won't listen, princess." I threatened, though I had no intention of fucking doing it. On my words, however, her eyes darkened and suddenly the room was twenty degrees warmer. I leaned down, hovering over her, and spoke against her lips.

"You like that idea, don't you?" I whispered, my lips just barely touching hers. I felt her gasp for air and I smiled. 

"There's a little bit of darkness in your light, isn't there?" I asked and Jazz shivered slightly, closing her eyes for a moment before looking up into mine again.

"Maybe," she said, her tongue licking her lips. "Perhaps-"

Jazz's words were cut short by pounding at her front door. She frowned and moved to get up, but I didn't like the sound. It was after fucking midnight - anyone comes to your door at that time, sounding like that? They either have a problem or are going to be one.

I lifted my hand, wanting her to stay while I went to check it out. She looked ready to follow me anyway, but nodded when I gave her a look. Satisfied that she wouldn't be in harms way, I moved to the front of the house.

"Jazz?" Came the very inebriated voice of my agent through the thick wood of the door. "Jazz, open up!"

Well, I guess I was going to talk to him about Jazz sooner than I planned.

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