Marshall's New Neighbor

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I opened the door to my house and found Dre standing there with a plate full of cookies. Cocking my head, I gestured for him to come inside as he handed it off to me. He tossed a thumb over his shoulder as he spoke.

"Your new neighbor gave them to me outside. Thought that I lived here. Sweet lady. Gorgeous, too." He said by way of explanation and I nodded.

The place across the street had been up for sale for a while now. I hadn't heard that someone had bought it, but at least now that someone had, I wouldn't have random people in the area 'looking to buy' but really trying to get pics of me. That shit was annoying.

I took one of the cookies and offered him one. He took it as we moved into the living room and I set the tray in the kitchen. Taking a bite, I nodded. They were good. I'd have to swing by and thank her at some point.

"What's up?" I asked as I joined him. He sighed and leaned back on the couch.

"I want to do a new project." He said and I nodded, my brows coming together in thought as I sat opposite him.

"Your own, with features?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. I have some ideas that won't leave me be. I want to lay some tape, but I could use your thoughts on some of what I've been toying with." Dre responded.

"You know you don't even have to ask, man." I replied. "I'm always down." Dre smiled.

"I know. I can always count on you."


Over the course of the next two months, I was in and out of my house at random times. Studio work can be long and drawn out. Sometimes, things are just flowing right and you don't want to quit. Other times, shit is just painful and you have to force your way through it.

I'd completely forgotten about the tray of cookies and my intent to say thanks until the day I saw her. I was coming home after a long, but good day and when I drove up, I nearly crashed the damn car. Dre had been underplaying it when he called her gorgeous.

She was out in front of her house, washing an old Mustang by hand. She had a pair of short jean shorts on that showed lightly tanned skin. She had a black tank that was cropped, exposing a slim midriff that was toned. Her hair looked like a mix of dark and light, but I couldn't tell too much because it was pulled behind her head in a messy bun at the back of her ball cap. She danced as she washed, her earbuds a stark white against her clothing as she rocked out to whatever she was listening to. I had to meet her.

I pulled into my drive and got out, walking inside to grab the tray that had been sitting on top of my fridge. I wiped it off before I wandered back outside. Fuck, those hips.

"Hey!" I called as I got closer. She turned and pulled an ear bud out as she faced me.

Up close, she had a fine layer of freckles that spread from one cheek to the other. I could see them dust lightly over her neck before they became more prominent on her shoulders. Her lips were larger and her smile was just slightly crooked as she looked at me. Her eyes, though, were what really caught me. They were fucking purple.

"Hi, there!" She responded, her voice carrying a Midwest sound to it. She pulled her other bud out and dropped the large, yellow sponge in a bucket before wiping her hands on her shorts and extending one to me. I gripped it, still staring like a fucking idiot at her eyes.

"Uh, hi." I said.

"I'm Cathryn." She told me, cocking her head. "I know're Shady!" She said after a brief hesitation and I nodded.

"Marshall," I corrected and she grinned.

"Nice to meet you, Marshall." Cathryn replied and I nodded before I spoke.

"Sorry, but what the fuck is up with your eyes?" I asked. Cathryn laughed and waved her hand at me.

"No problem. They're contacts. My normal color is boring, so I switch it up every so often. People got really freaked out by the black; something about demons or something. Most seem good with the purple, though." She explained, her grin wide.

"Yeah, they're cool." I said, deciding that I liked them. The color was striking, but it was the look in them that I was drawn to. Cat's eyes seemed to flicker with happiness, kind of like a candle's flame. It was mesmerizing. Realizing I was staring again, I offered her the tray in my hands.

"Thanks for the cookies. Sorry it took me so long to come by." I told her and she shook her head as she took it.

"No big. I figured you had things going on." She responded. I looked over the car that she was almost done washing and then back to her.

"You know, most people take their cars in." I noted and she gave a dramatic, horrified gasp.

"Marshall!" She teased, before she explained further. "I know. But I've had this car for twenty years and if I don't treat her like a princess, she craps out on me and I end up spending too much money to get her moving again." She paused and then thumbed at the vehicle. "Sorry, I gotta get the soap off before it spots." She said and I waved at her to continue.

"You know what I do. What do you do?" I asked, changing the subject as she sprayed the car over once and then grabbed a towel to start drying it. She was bent over the top of the hood now, her ass up as she went on tiptoes to reach and I was wrestling with remembering how to speak English.

"This and that," she responded and I frowned. What the fuck kind of answer is that? She moved around the car and looked up, noting my confusion.

"People get weird, when I say." She said with a sigh. "But, you're my neighbor so you're likely to see the effects." She muttered, mostly to herself, it seemed. I cocked my head at her, wondering what could be so odd that she'd be hesitant to comment on it.

"I fight." She said. My brain put those two words together and was completely unable to make them fall in line with the woman I was looking at. She was clearly in shape, but she wasn't huge by any standards.

"You fight?" I asked, confirming that I'd heard what she'd said.

"Yep. MMA." She confirmed.

"No shit?" I asked, dumbfounded and oddly aroused.

"No shit," she said with a smile.

I licked my lips as I looked over her body, my eyes flowing over every dip and curve. She was slim, but they were there – easily enough for some serious fun in the bedroom, especially knowing that she probably had the kind of stamina that would be mouthwatering. When I looked back up, I saw that she'd busted me. Shit.

"Do I pass?" She asked, teasing and I shook my head.

"I think you know you do, Cat." I replied with a smirk and she laughed as she bent to pick up the towel and bucket.

"I gotta get back to the gym." She said. "I look forward to being neighbors, Marshall."

"Me, too."

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