Marshall's Bet

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For two and a half hours, Sarah and I talked and cheered for the football game across the room. I learned that she'd gone to school for information technology in the time since I'd seen her and that her new job was going to put her degree to use. She'd spent some time with some internet start-ups and working websites for small businesses over the course of her career so far. She must have seen my eyes start to glaze when she got into some of the details because she stopped and teased me about being a dinosaur. At the end of the game, Sarah challenged me to darts, which was what we were presently doing.

"No way you're hitting that seventeen." Sarah taunted, standing just off the side of my vision. I turned to look at her, narrowing my eyes at the challenge.

"And if I do?" I asked.

"You name it." She said confidently, flashing her smile at me.

"Your mouth shouldn't write checks your ass can't cash." I responded and Sarah stepped closer, invading my space enough for me to smell the peaches. I'd decided that the intoxicating scent had to be from her shampoo.

"Name your stakes, Marshall." She said, her dark eyes dancing with amusement. I nodded and controlled a smile from breaking across my face.

"Alright. I hit the seventeen, you go out with me again." I said and she nodded.

"And if you don't," she responded, "then you have to strip down and leave this bar in your underwear." I coughed, surprise hitting me square in the guts. I looked back at the dart board and then to her.

"Isn't that a little extreme? How do you know I'm not going commando?" I asked. She shook her head, tucking a curl behind her ear.

"Sounds to me like someone isn't so confident about his abilities." She commented and I nodded, running my tongue along my bottom teeth.

"Fine. You're on." I responded and she actually giggled and clapped her hands.

"Your fans are going to die, finding out whether you've changed your preferences." She said. I shook my head and stood closer to her.

"If you want to see me half naked, Sarah, you only have to say." I said softly and I watched as her eyes widened a little and darkened further. They were like pools of black coffee, now. She leaned up, whispering into my ear.

"Big talk for the man who still hasn't thrown the dart." She said, and I chuckled and nodded.

"Alright." I said, moving my hands at her. "Shoo, then."

Sarah stepped back over to the side and I lined up my shot. This was a horrible idea. I knew that she was right – there was almost no chance whatsoever that I was going to hit the seventeen. I'd missed the damn number for the last four rounds while Sarah had slowly eked away at the points she needed to get to zero. There was no backing down now, though, so I let out a breath and tossed the dart.

"Woohoo!" She cried, dancing a little gig as my dart came to rest in the slot of the number three. Fucking shit. I hung my head, not quite believing that I'd done that. I looked back up at Sarah's still dancing body and I nodded.

Without another word, I took off my cap and handed it to her. I then tagged my shirt over my head and started to kick off my shoes. I could feel the eyes of the patrons around us start to settle on me. There wasn't a chance in hell this shit wasn't making it onto a hundred different websites before the end of the night.

Once I got my shoes off, I handed them to Sarah, too. She lifted her chin in amusement, clearly barely controlling the laughter that was threatening to overtake her small frame. With a sigh, I unbuckled my belt and slipped my jeans down my hips and to the floor. I stepped out of them and tossed them at her, landing them over the top of her cellphone, which was now out to take a picture.

With a smirk, I flipped her off as she shifted my clothing around to get a shot of me standing in my socks and underwear in the middle of a Detroit sports bar. Well, Paul was going to have a field day dealing with this tomorrow, but a deal's a deal. I pulled back my shoulders and posed for her for a second, causing her to laugh so hard she bent over, and then I started walking past her to go out the door.

Flashes and murmurs followed me as my half naked ass walked through the crowd, past the tables, and out the front door of the bar we were in. It was now sometime after nine, and so it was relatively dark outside, but there were enough lights from the businesses around us that the people on the street got the view, too. As I made it out, a still laughing Sarah stumbled through the door, my clothing piled in her arms.

I reached out a hand and she gave me my jeans first. To the wondering and confused eyes of the people around us, I literally dressed myself on a sidewalk while Sarah sniggered in the background. Once I was all done, I walked toward her.

She backed up, stopping short when the wall was behind her. She was still struggling not to laugh, her lips quivering in amusement as she looked up at me. I put one hand on the wall by her head as the other found a home at the dip of her waist.

"Go out with me again?" I asked, my lips barely hovering over hers, a hair's breadth from touching. Her eyes darkened again as she looked into mine and nodded.

"Yeah," she said softly, her breath fanning over my lips.

I bent my head the remaining distance in response, placing my lips against hers ever so softly. I could feel her hands come up my chest, streaking warmth wherever they touched. With a low sound, I pushed against her, moving my hand from the wall to the back of her neck so that I could delve deeper.

I could taste the sweetness of her pop and the tart of the rum that had been in it as her lips parted to meet mine again and again. When I felt her tongue lick at my upper lip, I gripped her to me and slipped my tongue past her lips, dancing it with hers as a million stars burst in my head. I was breathless from the taste – the feel – of her.

When I pulled back, I looked in her eyes, swimming in the dark appreciation I found there. Her hands were still against my chest and her hips locked into mine like we were fucking made for each other. I slipped one hand around to tuck a stray curl away from her face before running the tips of my fingers over her face. She sighed, closing her eyes and leaning into the caress, her simple action making me feel like the only man alive.

I would have stayed like that all night, just enjoying the feel of her against me and the look that came to her eyes when they met mine, but I knew we couldn't. My exit from the bar had been noticed and we'd gathered a crowd. I sighed and looked to the side, noting that Sarah did, too. With a nod, I stepped back and offered my hand.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your car."

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