Marshall's Hero

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The fight was fucking brutal. When the song cut away and Jessica and Cat faced off once more, all humor was gone. I watched as the Cat I knew slipped away and something else took her place. As if possessed by the very Hell-hounds Beef had referred to, Cat was unrelenting. Jabs went to Jessica's ribs. Crosscuts and uppercuts were thrown at her face. Sweeping legs and knees were forced upon the woman's frame as Cat held nothing back.

"Jesus," Dre said from beside me, his voice awed. I nodded, unable to move my eyes away from the utter destruction that was taking place.

Jessica was supposed to be a relatively even match to Cat, but it quickly became apparent that she wasn't. Had Cat not gone into this pissed off, maybe Jessica could have held her own for a while. As it was, she was only able to make a few lighter, connecting hits before she was on the defense, trying to hold back the tide of fury in Cat's limbs.

Hit after hit, kick after kick, Cat put a beating on Jessica, with the only reprieve coming when the bell would cut for the end of the round. Sick as it may sound, I was proud of my girl up there. She was showing the fucking world what would happen if they crossed a line with her.

"She's going to murder her." I heard a fan behind me say, her tone horrified.

"Look at her hits, babe. Cat's pissed, but she's in control. She's giving Ronalez the ass whooping she deserves for the shit she said this week and warning all the other fighters off her personal life." Her male companion said.

"Deserves?" The woman asked. "All Ronalez did was poke at a known thug. How someone as strong as Cat can choose to be with such scum is beyond me. She'd be way better off with that other fighter that TMZ said was panting after her." I looked at Dre, who gave me a slight shrug, and I turned.

"What was that?" I asked. The woman looked down to me and gasped, her mouth moving but no sound coming out while the man beside her flushed with embarrassment.

"Now don't pussy out." I taunted, but the woman shook her head, unwilling to talk shit to my face. I gave a nod and turned away as the next round started up.

Dre chuckled beside me and I quirked my lips. There's something great about calling shit talkers out in person. They almost never have the balls to say what they think about you when given the opportunity. More often, they were a bunch of cowards.

As the round started back up, I sunk back into it. Beef was in the corner, screaming at Cat, but she wasn't listening. It almost looked like she was her namesake - a feline playing with the mouse in her grasp before she put an end to its misery. Finally, at nearly the end of the round, Cat looked to Beef and nodded. She dodged a wild flail to her face from Jessica and did a singular, power punch right to her jaw. Jessica spun away and landed on the mat, her eyes closed and her body limp. Cat had knocked her out.

The crowd screamed and yelled while the announcers called the fight in Cat's favor and a medical team rushed to Jessica's side. Cat removed her mouth guard and looked over to Dre and I. As I screamed my cheers for her, she gave me a wink and a tap of the glove to her lips and then heart.


"That was fucking awesome!" Dre said as we walked into the locker room. Cat was getting her tape removed and the small cut above one eye checked. She grinned, her natural confidence back in full force.

"It was, wasn't it?" Cat asked, and Beef swatted her behind the head.

"Knock that shit off." He demanded. She turned to him with a raised brow. "You're not fucking invincible. Someone's gonna knock you on your ass." He groused and Cat stood and gave him a hug.

"You know I rocked that, Beef." She said. "It'll make others think twice before they go talking shit about my life." Beef grumbled as he pulled back and walked past Dre and me. Cat turned to us and raised her hands.

"So, are you satisfied that I avenged you?" Cat asked, her voice filled with laughter. I nodded and took on a falsetto as I spoke.

"You're my hero." Cat doubled over with laughter as Dre nodded and chuckled.

"You two are fucking made for each other." He said. "I'm going to leave you to your celebration. Thanks for the tickets, Cat. I'd love to come again sometime." He continued and she nodded and waved as he walked out.

"That was the most impressive ass kicking I've ever seen." I said, still in awe of what Cat had done. "And all I can think about right now is how much I want to take your sweaty body home and clean it with my tongue." I continued as I stepped closer, my voice deeper as my eyes roamed over her. 

Cat's eyes sparkled with pooling desire on my words. Her hands moved up my chest as she stepped into me and leaned up for a kiss. I bent to her, my lips demanding as the surge of passion tumbled through me.

"I can't think of anything I'd rather do than you right now." She said when she pulled back, dark humor and want warring for dominance in her eyes. I nodded solemnly.

"I like the way you think."


Getting out of the arena was like trying to sneak past your parents as a teenager, only worse because instead of two people, you had to avoid thousands. After Cat put on one of my hoodies that she'd grabbed several weeks back and slung on a hat, we snuck out into the main area. We both had to be careful not to be recognized, because anyone seeing me would instantly know whose hand was in mine, thanks to all the coverage the past week.

Reporters, fans, staff members, the whole place was still buzzing with all the people there to somehow get a piece of the woman by my side. Thankfully, I have some experience getting lost in crowds, and so I was sure we could get it out without being noticed. We made it to the parking lot, but then our luck ran out.

"Cat! Hey, Cat!" A man about my size called as he rushed us. Instinctively, I stepped in front of her and glanced around. There was no security to be seen and the car was still a few stalls away.

"Yo, man. I just want to congratulate her." He said, his tone laced with anger at my interruption. I tilted my head to her, but didn't remove my eyes from him. I didn't like the vibe he was giving off. Cat's hand squeezed mine as she came abreast and looked up into his eyes.

"Thank you." She said. "As I'm sure you understand, I just want to go home and relax now." She explained and he grinned.

"I can help you with that." He offered like I wasn't motherfucking standing right there. Cat smiled, but her eyes were icy as she responded.

"I think I have more than enough man to handle my needs." She responded. She tugged on my hand and I followed, but I glared at the fucker most of the way to the car. Once I had her secure in the car, I walked around and started it up, directing us home.

Now that her match was done, I'd have her to myself for days.

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