Marshall's Announcement

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I fished my phone out of my back pocket, smiling when I saw Sarah's picture come up on the screen. It was the Wednesday after our first date and we'd been randomly texting since. I planned to take her out again day after tomorrow, though I hadn't figured out what we were going to do just yet.

"Hey," I called into the line. I got no response, though. Rather, there was a bunch of background noise and static. I pulled the phone back, looking at the screen again before putting it back to my ear.

"Hello?" I called.

"Sarah!" I heard from a distance, like the speaker was in a hallway. I smirked, Sarah must have butt dialed me. Just before I hung up, though, I heard something that had me straining for more.

"Did I just hear you shot Mike down?" Who the fuck was Mike?

"How in the Hell did you hear about that?" Sarah asked, her voice sounding exasperated. The woman who questioned her snorted.

"He's been talking. He thinks you're playing hard to get." She said and I narrowed my eyes.

"Well, he's right." Sarah said, amusement in her tone. "Except for the playing part, that is." She continued.

"What? Why? He's the hottest guy in the building!" The other woman, who I was quickly starting to dislike, asked.

"I'm not interested." Sarah responded. The two of them murmured something for a little longer, exchanging words that I couldn't make out. I realized I was fucking creeping at this point, but I wanted to know what the fuck this Mike dude was up to.

"You just got back, how is it possible that you already have someone?" The unknown woman said, this time loud enough for me to hear.

"I knew him before I left. We were friends a long time ago." Sarah responded.

Now, I knew without a shred of doubt that I should hang the fucking phone up. Sarah should be permitted her privacy. She hadn't done anything that would make me question her. However, you couldn't have made me swipe the phone off if you'd had a gun to my head. If my ass got busted, I'd deal with the consequences.

"Fine. Then spill." The woman, who I was now liking quite a bit, demanded.

"He's great, Misty." Sarah said, her voice warming. "We had a bit of a mess years ago, but he apologized and, God, the way he acts around me." She continued.

"What do you mean?" Misty asked.

"He's touchy, like PDA, touchy." Sarah said and I nodded. That was fair.

"He's protective, too. We were at an event where I was getting jostled and he pulled me close and I'm telling you, whatever cologne he wears is like crack. I could smell it on my dress after I left. I must have looked like a lunatic in the Uber, sniffing at my sleeve." I cracked a smile. This was getting fucking good, now.

"So, who is this wonderful man?" Misty asked.

"I probably shouldn't say." Sarah responded.

"What? Why? Is he married? Girl, you're not running around on someone's vows, are you?" Misty asked.

"No!" Sarah replied. "It's just, he likes his privacy. Kind of." Sarah said, sounding hesitant.

"I don't know, Sar." Misty said. "Sounds like he's embarrassed or hiding something." She continued.

"I know," Sarah responded. "But trust me, I know his reasons and they aren't what you're thinking." She argued.

"You sure you haven't been knocked senseless by his dick?" Misty asked.

"Misty, give me some credit. And no, we haven't had sex." Sarah said dryly. "But he kissed-"

I frowned and looked at my screen. The fucking line went dead. Either Sarah's battery stalled out or she'd shifted position and cut the call. Son of a fucking bitch. I was never going to get a better opportunity than that to hear what was going on in her mind than that conversation. Not without asking her, anyway.

Thinking, I moved over to the couch in my living room and sat down. Sarah had some "hot" dude pursuing her. She was keeping who I was a secret to protect my privacy, despite the fact that at least one of her friends questioned it. I knew how it would look. Mike or anyone else with half a brain would think what Misty clearly did. If her friends whittled away at her, the fucking douche might end up in the running. I needed to fix this.


The next day, I was walking in to Sarah's new job with a dozen peach colored, French tulips in hand. The lady at the flower shop had convinced me that these would do the trick, since I didn't want something as overdone as roses. I could only hope she was right, because I felt like a tool, walking around with them.

The receptionist to this place had practically drooled when she saw them, falling over herself to let me into the back and direct me to where I'd find Sarah. As I walked past offices and cubicles, I felt eyes follow me. Well, Misty would certainly get an earful about how I wasn't afraid to show up at Sarah's work; should at least put that shit about being embarrassed to bed.

When I got to the last cubicle on the left, I popped my head around the corner. Sarah was sitting in a rolling chair, wearing a pretty green dress that made my mouth water. She was typing away at something and speaking lowly on speaker phone.

"That should take care of it, Mike," she said.

"Thank you, beautiful," he responded and the hairs on my neck stood up as I flushed with anger.

"I'd prefer it if you'd keep things professional." 

"Come on, Sarah. Don't be like that. I just want-" I wish I could tell you I have self-control in all things. I don't.

"She said professional, asshole. Do you need someone to explain to you what that means?" I demanded loudly as I strode into the cubicle and spoke over her shoulder.

Sarah looked at me with wide eyes, taking in the flowers and my no doubt very pissed off expression.

"Who the Hell is this?" Mike The Douche asked.

"Her boyfriend." I responded and hung up the phone. I turned my eyes back to Sarah, who was still looking a little startled by my sudden appearance.

"Boyfriend?" She asked, her voice soft and hesitant. I scowled.

"Of fucking course," I responded. I took a breath and handed her the tulips, trying to steady my heart rate. "These are for you and it would have been romantic and sweet if I hadn't had to put that asshat in his place." I muttered.

Sarah took them from my hands and set them aside, standing up from her chair. She slipped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my chest and squeezed me close. My arms came around her as my head bent to her neck.

"Thank you for the flowers, Em." She said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry I got a little..." I faded off, not sure how to finish that statement. She shook her head against me, grinning as she looked up into my eyes.

"No. That was perfect. He's been thinking I was playing hard to get." She said. I smiled as I leaned down to kiss her softly. When I lifted my head, her face was flushed a little.

"I didn't expect to see you until tomorrow." She commented and I shrugged.

"Couldn't wait. Can I take you to lunch?"

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