Marshall Gets a Surprise

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"Quit scowling. You're too pretty to get premature wrinkles." Melissa said as she started removing the last of the makeup and shit from my face. I grunted, but didn't otherwise respond.

It had been four months since Melissa had been attacked. As I'd expected, the tabloids had gotten a hold of the story in no time and pictures of the aftermath had been spread coast to coast. For once, the media seemed to be in my corner because instead of painting me as instigator or loose cannon, I was billed as the hero. My fan mail in the month that followed was full of rescue fantasies. I'd say they were all shit, but a couple gave me ideas that Melissa and I put to good use.

Things had been good, really good, between us in those four months. While we kept everything professional when we were working, our evenings were spent wrapped up in each other. Now, however, all of that was likely to change.

Today was the last day of shooting the movie and we still hadn't talked about what we were doing. Initially, I'd considered it premature. I wanted to just swim in the feelings Melissa evoked. Then, as the time went on, I didn't want to jinx it. Now, however, we were facing the end of things and I was being a crabby, intractable ass.

I knew I couldn't go traipsing around the country following her to every set and I couldn't very well ask her to leave her job. The likely solution seemed to be that we were splitting up and it wasn't fucking okay. We had the kind of relationship that I'd always dreamed about:  we laughed, we got angry, we forgave each other, and we loved. That circumstance and life was going to make that all go away was just my fucking luck.

"Nearly there, Mr. Mathers." She said, a twinkle in her eyes. That she could be so fucking blasé  about this was also not okay.

"Whatever," I muttered, barely able to really focus because of the storm of emotion inside. She stood back and cocked her head at me.

"So, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about." She said lowly as she scrubbed more at my forehead. There was something about her voice that had me looking closer at her eyes, which then just caused me to narrow mine. Melissa was nervous.

"What?" I asked, concerned. Melissa was a lot of things, but a nervous person wasn't one. I'd never actually seen her cautious in talking to me about anything. She swallowed, focusing more on my forehead. If I had a mirror, I was pretty sure I'd find that there was no makeup left on my face there. She was stalling.

"Baby?" I asked softly, trying to get her to look at me. She sighed and stepped back, looking around. Whatever she had to say, she didn't want an audience.

"I did something." She said, chewing on her lip. I frowned at her, uncertain what that could mean.

"Yeah?" I asked, moving to stand.

"We haven't talked about it, so I may have overstepped or presumed something I shouldn't have." She said, hesitating on her words.

"Just tell me," I demanded.

"I put my CV out." She said, and hope started to curl in my guts. I stepped closer, sliding my hands onto her waist as I looked down in her eyes.

"And?" I asked quietly.

"And there's a theater that's looking for a new head of costume and makeup. They offered me the position." She said, flashing her dimples at me. I pulled her hips into mine, looking into her eyes.

"And?" I repeated.

"And, it's in Detroit." She whispered.

I didn't hesitate. I didn't think about where we were or who might see us. I couldn't. Instead, I swooped down and captured her lips in an ecstatic, loving kiss. My heart felt like it was going to burst and I needed to show her.

My hands grabbed her ass and pulled her against me as I put everything of me into kissing her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I squeezed her to me, reveling in the knowledge that it wasn't the end. We didn't have to say goodbye.

When I pulled back, she was laughing and I was grinning and there wasn't another person in the world. The entire universe was right between us.

"You like my surprise?" She asked, her mismatched eyes practically glowing at me. I nodded, nibbling at her bottom lip before I responded.

"I fucking love it."

A/N:  Ah, Marshall and Melissa. Hope you enjoyed their story. I have another set coming up, likely to start today, so keep your eyes peeled. Until then, happy reading!

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