Chains that bind me

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(So the stand arrow won, but the way it works will be different and isn't called a stand arrow.)

3rd person pov

Laying in a circle with intrinsic designs and melted candles around it is a young man, he has H/C hair and S/C skin. The room is abandoned although upon inspection it looks like some kind pagan ritual went on here.

Beside the boy is an arrow, it has a long wooden shaft with a nearly designed golden arrow head. To those who are of the supernatutal persuasion it is of great importance.

There is nothing odd about the boy apart from the fact that he's missing a shirt amd that there's a scar on his chest. The boys eyes open as he groans. Sitting up, he holds his head before looking around and blinking a few times.

?: Where am i?

He tries to get up but falls over and lands ontop of the arrow, but wasn't pierced by it. He shakily raises himself on his arms amd turns over to sit up.

He grabs the arrow and observes it, running his finger along it he cuts his finger on the tip and blood comes out, he pulls his finger wincing before sucking on his finger.

?: Ouch!

He eventually places the arrow down and moves onto his knees, slowly he begins to get up on shaky legs.

Walking forward he stumbles but keeps his balance. He looks around the room to observe it spotting nothing but a door that leads to a dark corridor.

The boy begins to walk towards it slowly before he approaches the door frame, trying to take a step through he is pulled back by a cold metal force, onto his backside.

He reaches to his chest only to feel chains protruding from the scar on it. He follows the chains, freaking out to see that they are linked to the arrow.

?: W-What the hell!?

He tries to pull the chains of put it seems to serve no purpose. Sighing he reluctantly goes over to the arrow as the chains vanish from his sight and he picks it up and walks back to the door frame.

The boy walked through the door frame after taking a deep breath and nothing happened. He began walking down the dark hallway with no end in sight.

A loud bang echoed throughout the halls from behind him. A door seemed to close, blocking the room he came from, a small light peaked from the end of the hall and he began rushing towards it.

Soon enough he reached the end of the light and burst through a door that was slightly open. On the other end of the door was an town that had the sun shining in the sky.

The boy panted as he looked around seeing no one in sight. He took a couple steps forward a danger sign went off in his head and he ducked, dodging a bolt of lightning.

Following the bolt of lightning there stood a woman with long black hair, held in a long pony tail by a yellow ribbon. She had a voluptuous figure and lightning crackling around her finger.

Lightning woman: Aww... Why'd you dodge?

?: L-Look, i'm not here for trouble

A woman with a similar figure to the other who had long red hair and bright blue eyes walked up to the side of the black haired woman.

Red head: I'm inclined to not believe you, considering you have that arrow. Now hand me that arrow and walk away

?: I would but i... i can't leave it alone

She stuck her hand out towards him as a red circle appeared infront of it, similar in design to the one the boy woke up in. He began trembling as she scowled at him.

?'s pov

What the hell is she doing? If it's anything like that lightning girl i'm in serious trouble!

?: Protect

I looked around for the voice as it kept repeating protect, they didn't seem to react to it so am i the only one hearing it?

My arm began moving against my will as i tried to stop it. My arm began moving the arrow towards the scar on my chest as the tip pierced my scar.

Red head: What are you doing!?

Me: I-I don't know!

?: Protect the arrow

The voice was coming from the arrow! The arrow was telling me to protect it! The arrow pierced through my chest making me shout in pain.

A bright light began shining off my body as wind began to rise up around me. The light blinded them as the arrow was pulled from my chest.

I felt a strange power inside me as the arrow wound began to heal. The red head growled before sending a red orb towards me from the circles around her hand.

Suddenly a loud *Wrr* went off as the colour of the world dulled and everything stopped moving. The orb stopped right infront of my chest and i moved out the way.

Another loud *Wrr* went off as the colour of everything went back to normal and the ball wizzed past me and hit a tree making it disintegrate.

They stared at me wide eyed and looked over to me, i looked at the arrow before holding it away from them and clenching my other fist.

Arrow: Protect the arrow, this is your duty

Redhead: What was that!?

Me: I told you i can't give you the arrow, i've tried to leave it put i can't. So could you tell me what's so important about it?

Redhead:... *Sigh* Fine, but only if you come with us

I looked down to the arrow for some kind of confirmation but it remained silent.

Me: I can't give it to you for any reason, even if i want to.

Red head: We won't take it. Maybe we should introduce oursleves, I'm Rias and this is Akeno

Me: I'm Y/N L/N... i believe

(Lemme know what you think)

Chained To My Fate: Highschool Dxd x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now