Unclouded Actions

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3rd person pov

Y/N sighed, opening his door before taking his jacket off and dropping his bag. Walking over to the sofa he flopped down before yawning.

Sitting up he took off his tie and propped his feet up on a coffee table, he picked up the remote and turned on the T.V and sighed slightly.

Cycling through the channels he landed on an interview which Trish was the main attraction of, considering she was the one being interviewed.

Interviewer: So, Ms. Una, say hello to the audience watching at home

Trish: Hello, everyone

Interviwer: Now, Trish, you've been touring successfully, and i hear you've got an album coming soon?

Trish: I couldn't have done it without my fans

Interviewer: You've been on stage most your life, i hear? You and your mother together?

Trish: Yes. She passed away a few years back, it was hard but i managed to get past it

Interviewer: Apparently you disappeared for a while, your manager must've taken a fright

Trish: I can't apologise enough for that. I was on a journey, i went to places, soaking in the sights

Y/N smiled slightly, listening to her as he lowered his feet from the table. Rubbing a hand on his throat he leaned back in his seat.

Interviewer: And that was how you grieved?

Trish: Yes. And through the help of a good friend, i was able to pull through it

Interviewer: Thank heavens for good friends

Trish: I'd be lost without him. I owe him a debt i can never repay

Interviewer: And i hope our viewers support you in kind. Speaking of male friends, i heard through the grape vine that you have a boyfriend

Trish: Sorry, if i do or not is a secret

Y/N stood up, going over to the kitchen as he continued to listen in. It had been a few years since Y/N got involved with anything supernatural related.

And it was what he wanted, but a regular life quickly became mundane to him, despite the potential he held he squandered it away by being normal.

Grabbing a drink from his fridge Y/N heard a knock at the door, going over after placing the drink on the counter he opened the door.

Upon seeing a delivery man he smiled a bit, taking the package before signing for it. Shutting the door he heard a slight click before tossing the box away.

It exploded, making him cover his face. Lowering his arms he looked before opening the door to chase the delivery man.

Seeing him on his route Y/N grabbed his shoulder and made him turn to face him, a bit confused before what sounded like tank treads came closer

?: Look over here

Something crawled up the delivery man's back, looking to see what looked like a small tank with a skull on it and a shell before hearing a click.

Kicking him away, it exploded and caught Y/N's leg due to it still being extended. Wincing slightly he saw it was fine, continuing to approach him.

Y/N: Damn it... Purple Haze Distortion!

It appeared, dripping the capsules in Y/N's hand and began charging towards the small tank before throwing a flurry of punches.

Sadly, it had next to no affect making his eyes widen from it's durability. Taking one of the capsule he let out a breath as it approached him.

Withdrawing Purple Haze the capsule began spinning in hand before he threw it at the small tank, the virus unleashing as it simply went through.

His eyes widened before it began slowing down, a cry of pain was heard in the distance making Y/N look over in the general direction.

Y/N: There you are, Bastard!

He began running towards the location, rage filling him until eventually arriving to see a man hunched over with a melted hand on the floor.

Approaching him he summoned Purple Haze Distortion as the capsules returned to it's fists, Y/N cracked his knuckles as he stood above him.

Y/N: So, who sent you after me?

?: You think... i'll just tell you?... Killer Queen!

He brought out his sacred gear and tried attacking Y/N but he blocked with Purple Haze Distortion, smacking his arms away before kicking him.

The man stumbling back before Killer Queen threw it's arms forward which were grabbed by Purple Haze Distortion and gradually crushed.

He cried out before Y/N reeled his fist back, hitting the attacker in the chest as he broke a capsule in his hand, quickly pulling his hand back before breaking another capsule.

The virus killed itself as he looked his damagd hand, gritting his teeth as he saw the attacker slowly melt away due to the virus.

However someone stepped out from the shadows, he had long blonde hair that ended in curls as well as a large pink coat.

?: H-Help me!

The man reached out to him as he approached him, taking off his jacket he dropped it on him before pulling his coat back up.

He had somehow disappeared, Y/N looking to him cautiously before slipping his jacket back on.

?: Dojyaaan~~

Y/N: ...who are you?

?: My name is Funny Valentine, and i'm after the corpse parts

Y/N: Not happening buddy

He stood up straight, looking at Y/N with a serious expression which was returned by Y/N who still had Purple Haze Distortion out.

Funny Valentine: My heart and actions are utterly unclouded... everything i do is for justice, to make all equal

Y/N: As good as your pipe dreams sound, i'm not giving it up

Funny Valentine: Hmph, guess i'll take it from you myself

(Lemme know what you think also sorry for the short chapter today)

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