Is It Best To Forget?

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3rd person pov

Rias: Despite sealing away any memory of the supernatural, Y/N has become more dangerous then ever

Trish: Because of Requiem... right?

She nodded, Trish glanced out the window to see Y/N who was sat under a tree making her smile lightly. Glancing back to Rias as she sat up straight

Rias: If something happens and it accidentally comes out, the consequences will be dire

Trish: I won't let that happen

Rias: No, i trust you won't. But is that the reason why you remain with Y/N, you can go home?

Trish: No i... i don't have anyone else, and after seeing how many times he's risked hia life for me...

The devil held up a hand, gesturing for Trish to stop as she smiled at the girl. Lowering it to her lap her smile stayed

Rias: Say no more, i get it. But a warning, Y/N's memories haven't been changed, we blocked off his originals and gave him false ones. Requiem is the biggest threat to him, it could undo the false memories

Currently with Y/N he continued to lay under the tree, feeling an air of piece until hearing something.

He sat up and opened his eyes, expecting to see Trish but getting a sense of dejavu upon seeing Koneko instead which felt weird considering they've never spoke.

Y/N: Uh... hey?

Koneko: Hey

She sat beside him, confusing the older teen as she stared at the school in the distance. He slowly scooted away to give himself more space

Y/N: You're the school mascot, right? What are you doing here?

Koneko: Do you remember what you said to me, that you trusted me

Y/N: No... i think you have the wrong perso-

Koneko: I don't. Please, remember all we did!

He got up, beginning to back away from her making Koneko hang her head. Y/N walked away, leaving her there to wallow in sadness.

Catching up with Trish he smiled at her before they began walking home together, raising his hand he looked to it which confused her.

Y/N: Yeah, i can see what you mean now... my hands are weird

Trish: You know i didn't mean weird

Y/N: No no, i get it. I'll start wearing gloves

She giggled but stopped upon seeing him actually putting gloves on, he wore them for about 10 seconds before taking them off.

Y/N: Screw that, it's too hot

Putting them back in his bag they kept walking, glancing around before Y/N stretched his arms behind his head.

Trish: Your brother's in a club, right?

Y/N: Yeah, it's the Assault regroup... group, or something like that

Trish: I think it's Occult Research Club. Do you believe in the occult?

Y/N: Like devils and angels? Nah, there'd be proof by now, but if they do exist then God, give me a sign

?: God can't, by i can

They turned around to see a man with dark hair that had a blonde bit at the front, he wore a burgundy outfit. Beside him was a man in armour with long blonde hair and green eyes.

The two looked to them with different emotions, Y/N's bag in confusion while Trish's was caution.

Y/N: Look man, take your friend and go back to your cosplay convention

Michael: I would like to speak with you seriously

Y/N: And i'm not interested

Azazel: Look kid, we felt how much magic you were outputting

Y/N: Magic, yeah you've lost me. C'mon Trish

She nodded, glad he didn't listen and began walking along with him. Azazel raised a hand but Michael pushed it down.


Evening had come around and the two had just finished dinner, sitting in Trish's vastly bigger and nicer room they did homework yet chatted occasionally.

Y/N: I hate quadratic equations...

She came over, standig beside him as he was sat in a chair. Looking at it she took his hand and began tracing over it.

Trish: It's easy. To get Y, you need to find the points it goes over. I'll help, on the Y axis it goes over -2, where on the X axis is it going over?

Y/N: Um... well there's -1 so that's -x and... -2?

Trish: Correct, now just write it down

He wrote down the answer earning a smile from Trish, she kissed his cheek making a slight blush come to his cheeks.

Y/N: Some weird things happened today, that Koneko girl was being odd and there was those guys too

Trish: What did she say?

Y/N: Something about us knowing eachother and stuff we've done, i don't know her so it's really weird

Trish: Hmm... maybe she was just messing with you, i'd ignore it if i were you

Y/N: Yeah, thanks-

Suddenly, everything was washed over by a wave of red, Trish and everything else froze apart from Y/N and he looked to her confused.

Things went back to normal as she continued on like nothing happened which further confused the boy.

Y/N: Uh Trish... why'd you just stop?

Trish: I didn't, are you okay, you seem off?

Y/N: ...I think i need more sleep, school's getting more stressful i suppose

He got up, going into his room before sitting on his bed. Pinching the bridge of his nose he sighed before leaning back.

Leaning on the head board he shut his eyes, trying to think for a moment. Y/N got back up, taking off his shirt only to see the mark.

Y/N ran a few fingers across it, seeming like a birthmark yet he didn't remember having it most the time.

Suddenly he hunched over, holding his head in pain as he saw something in his head. An occult like circle... and an arrow

Falling to one knee he held his head until the pain subsides mostly, faint throbs of pain lingered as he looked back up.

A spectral figure stood behind him before disappearing as he stood back up and ran a hand through his hair.

Everything flashed red once again as he stood up, looking in the mirror to see no reflection, as it went back to normal he saw himself and Gold Experience Requiem.

Y/N jumped and turned around, seeing nothing before getting a sense of dejavu and sitting down

Y/N: What the hell's going on...?

(Lemme know what you think)

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