An Unseen Enemy And Evolution

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Y/N's pov

Asia: Thanks for taking me here Y/N

Me: It's no problem Asia

Asia: Do you want to come in with me?

Looking up to the church i could see that it was abandoned and run down, i seriously did not want to go in there.

Me: Sorry but i'm actually late for something

Asia: Oh i see...

She looked down sadly which made me feel like a dick, i placed a hand on her shoulder and offered her a smile

Me: I'll be sure to visit you soon though okay?

She looked happier after i said this so she nodded and walked towards the church, i began walking back to the school and scratched the back of my neck

Me: To think there's another human are who can use her sacred gear...

3rd person pov

Man: AH!

The man turned to see his creation ride off on a motor bike while he had his head turned away.

Man: HEY!

It road off into the distance making the man sigh and watch as it leaves his sight.

Man: Geez, what a kid...


Y/N arrived back at the clubhouse to find a parked motorbike outside which was still running.

Inside the Clubhouse Rias looked around the sitting room to find no one there which was suspicious since everyone was there a moment ago

Rias: Akeno?

She turned her attention to one of the chairs to find an arm sticking out from behind it.

It was dragged away into a closet making Rias gasp, she went closer to see the arm hanging out

Rias: WHAAAT!?

The arm was being dragged in so she grabbed it and opened the door, inside was Akeno who was curled up and had cubes of herself missing.

Suddenly a cube disappeared in between Rias' eyes making her scream in pain.

A ping went off on the laptop and the man looked down curious. It read "I have the princess of ruin captured, Rias Gremory is now in my hands as well as the rest of her peerage. What now?"

This made the man excited as a grin spread across his face.

Man: Molto, Molto Bene! Baby Face! That's my boy!

The laptop pinged again as another message appeared "I'm currently inside the clubhouse... There is one human outside the clubhouse. I've never seen him before. He will find me if i leave. What should i do?"

Man: If you can't sneak past him... then your just going to have to kill that new guy!

Y/N looked inside the clubhouse but found no one in there. He stepped in and heard no one even though there were screams earlier

Y/N: Issei! Where are you guys?! Come on out!

Y/N's pov

I swear i heard them earlier, Rias was shouting about something them she just suddenly stopped.

Could... could they be under attack!? In that brief moment that an enemy had already defeated them?!

Me: Gold Experience!

Chained To My Fate: Highschool Dxd x Male Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now