Devils and a human

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Y/N's pov

I stared down Rias as she writhed on the ground, my zippers prevented her from getting up.

Issei stared at us shocked as i walked closer to Rias, i picked her up by the collar and she stared at me in fear

Issei: Y/N STOP IT!

A green glow eminated from his left wrist and soon died down to reveal the gauntlet he summoned before the universe reset.

Me: Oh? You awakened your sacred gear

While i was distracted Rias blasted me with her magic, getting flung back Sticky Fingers was able to cushion most the damage.

Due to being hit the zippers on her disappeared allowing her to get up, i scoffed and pressed the mark on my next making the arrow appear.

Me: Tell me Rias, does this arrow mean anything to you?

Rias: Even if it did why would i tell you?

Oh? So the arrow doesn't exist in this universe, that's convenient. Now i won't be chased for it.

I pierced myself with the arrow as they stared at me in confusion and shock, the sacred gear inside me changed and Sticky Fingers was replaced.

In his place stood a white and red figure who had another face on it's forehead, it had green eyes and a checker pattern across it's body.

Issei: Bro just stop it... we can talk this out, hell i don't even know what happened

Me: This is the perfect opportunity

Rias: Not now, we can discuss it at the clubhouse

Me: Why? So you can have your lackies around you?

Rias: You can disrespect me all you want but don't disrespect my peerage!

We stared eachother down as Issei's gear disappeared from his arm, i sighed and my gear vanished.

Me: Keep good to your promise Rias

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N trying to understand how King Crimson works

I was waiting in class, tapping my fingers on the desk, it seems that only those who aren't human or have sacred gears can see my sacred gear which i named King Crimson.

Kiba walked into class as girls fawned over him, i sighed and gathered my things knowing that Rias probably sent him, too lazy to do things herself.

Kiba: Could Y/N and Issei Hyoudou come with me?

Girl: NOO!



I shot up and slammed my hand on my desk with King Crimson, breaking it before i turned to the girls scowling


They shut up and looked away shyly, i picked up my bag and walked out the room as Issei followed behind me, apologizing for my freakout.

Following Kiba i burnt holes into the back of his head with my eyes, he cleared his throat and turned to us.

Kiba: So Y/N, what was that thing around your arm when you smashed your desk?

Me: Why should i tell you?

Kiba:... I suppose you don't have a reason, i don't think we've even talked. Uhh Issei, do you know why Rias wants to talk to you two?

Issei: Something about what happened the other day

He nodded before we continued to walk to the clubhouse. Reaching it, we walked inside and things were still the same.

Koneko sat on a sofa and Akeno was standing next to a door that had steam coming off underneath it.

We waited for Rias and eventually she came out from the room and she was drying her hair with a towel.

Rias: Sorry, i didn't have time to have a shower at Y/N and Issei's house

Me: *Sigh* Enough wasting time, just tell me what you did to Issei

Rias and her peerage looked to me, she smirked before folding her arms under her chest, pushing it up.

Rias: We made him into a devil


I summoned King Crimson and suddenly everything was changed. I was in an empty void but could watch what was going on, i saw Kiba charging at me and his eyes looked blank.

A sword appeared in his hand and he tried to attack me, i side stepped the attack before returning to the normal world.

They looked around confused and i used this opportunity to take action, i had King Crimson grab Kiba and pull him into a hold.

Rias: What happened?

Me: I erased time... now you either give me answers or i'll punch a hole through Kiba

King Crimson tightened his grip around Kiba making him groan in pain.

Koneko: He erased time?

Akeno: That's impossible!

Issei: What happened to my brother?

My eye twitched in annoyance due to them ignoring me but Riad looked nervous, seems like she was listening

Rias: He was dying due to being attacked by a fallen angel because of his sacred gear, i brought him back as a devil as there was no other way, besides being with us he can be protected.

The only way huh?

Me: Then why were you sleeping in the same bed as him?

Issei: She said it was to heal me

I knew she was bullshitting me, Rias looked to Issei with a nervous expression.

Me: So... the only way was to make him into a devil huh?

Rias: I-I could only heal him if he was a devil

Rias' really grasping at straws isn't she? If they hunted him down for his sacred gear then Rias must have made him a devil for it.

I should be careful just incase a fallen angel comes after me, but how would i know?... I'll think about it for another time

Me: Why did you revive him?

Rias:... His sacred gear is a powerful one, if it fell into the wrong hands it could mean the collapse of the shaky balance we have.

Me: You want Issei for his abilities and not him huh?

I let go of Kiba and brought out the arrow, It used to take and give sacred gears but i don't think it works the same.

Damn it... using King Crimsons ability really  took alot out of me, i pierced my chest once more as the gear was swapped out.

It didn't appear since i had deactivated my sacred gear, placing the arrow away i looked to Rias with a serious expression

Me: Whether you like it or not... i'm sticking around

(Lemme know what you think)

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