Nearing The Goal

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3rd person pov

Y/N: You don't have to do this, y'know?

Koneko: I still don't trust her

He looked to her with a dull expression as she kept his gaze on him, depsite being at school where Trish wasn't Koneko stayed close to him.

Y/N: Why, you jealous or her of something?

Her cheeks were tinted with a light pink before shaking her head in dismissal. Y/N sighed before standing up

Most of the others had left due to something with Kiba, an event Y/N had little to no interest in considering it was Rias' peerage.

There was a knock at the door for some reason so Y/N went over. Opening the door he saw a short guy who looked like he was in a rain coat.

He was holding the sword that Y/N and Trish took making his eyes widen, summoning Gold Experience a knife appeared in their hand.

Vittorio: You dumbass!

Drawing the sword a dark purple aura surrounded them before they pointed the knife at Y/N, both fell to their knees as Koneko got up but Y/N seemed worse for wear.

He coughed a bit before standing up, wielding two sacred gears as Y/N held his chest, Gold Experience disappearing from vision as he got weak.

Koneko: What did you do!?

Vittorio: Hold it there missy, you wouldn't want him to more hurt then he already is, would you?

Running the blade across Y/N's face a look which was different then before spread across Vittorio's face, an insane smile.

Vittorio: It hurt but, now i'm the first person im history to wield two sacred gears and back up! Gigigigigi!

He raised the sword up and went to plunge it down to stab Y/N but Koneko dashed forward, hitting him in the face.

However they were both knocked back, Koneko being launched into the wall as he skidded back. A bruise on both their faces.

She rubbed the bruise before scowling at him, Y/N stayed their on his knees as he panted, holding his chest as it seemed like he was gravely injured even though he wasn't hurt.

Koneko: Y/N, heal yourself with Gold Experience!

The fallen attack snickered, walking back towards them before kicking Y/N back. He let out a pained sound, falling to his side as his breathing became ragged.

Vittorio: I guess i'll explain it to you, i made him take the brunt of the damage with my sacred gear, Dolly Dagger!

Koneko: So you... you put him in a near death state

Vittorio: Gigigi, that's right. I bet i could even kill Rias like this!

He began laughing, spinning the two blades in his hand before slashing at Koneko with Anubis. She kicked a table at his to block it but the blade phased through it.

Cutting along the side of her leg the table crashed into the wall before he ran at her. Thrusting the blade at Koneko she jumped back, her feet hitting the wall before kicking herself towards him.

Spinning and trying to hit him with her foot he raised his knife, she knocked herself out the path and flipped through the air before landing beside Y/N.

Vittorio: You won't hurt me? Well then... guess i'll hurt us both!

He slashed along his stomach, most the damage travelling to Koneko before she screamed in pain before falling to one knee and holding the wound.

Y/N slowly pushed himself up, summoing Gold Experience before using it to hit a knocked over book.

It turned into a group of termites and rushed towards Vittorio, crawling up his leg he swatted them away but felt the damage get reflected back to him.

He was swatted away himself, being flung into a wall and dropping Anubis and making Dolly Dagger disappear. The termites at the wooden handle, breaking his control on it.

Y/N stood up shakily and healed Koneko before stepping towards Vittorio, the fallen looked to him weakly as he was still suffering from the effects of being swatted like a bug.

Vittorio: W-Wait! Please, don't kill me! K-Kokabiel promised me a high rank in his army if i killed you and captured Trish

Y/N: And where... is she?

Vittorio: At the house, i left her there. Please, forgive me!

He went to hug Y/N's leg but he raised it, stomping on his face before grinding his heel into his cheek.

Y/N: I was made experience near death... now i'll make sure you know what that feels like

Reaching down he picked up the fallen by his hair, glaring him he slammed his face into the wall before grabbing the broken blade, shoving it into his back.

Vittorio screamed in pain, trying to reach back before Y/N summoned Gold Experience and gritted his death.

Gold Experience: MUDA!

It kicked the blade in deeper, the fallen seemingly choking on his own blood as Koneko looks at him in shock.

Y/N: Furiousity, it explode like a bomb then departs like a storm... let me show you how furious i can be in that brief time


He continued to kick the blade in, eventually killing him yet he continued to kick until the wall was broken from it.


A letter appeared in Trish's room as her and Y/N sat in it. Looking over as the male was wrapped in bandages from his fight she went over.

Picking it up Trish came back and sat beside Y/N, glancing to him they nodded before she opened it.

Inside was a note, they looked over it as it read. 'Y/N, i thank you for taking care of my daughter. I know the road has been difficult, and Trish. I'm sorry you had to be put through this. Please meet me at the shrine in Kuoh so we can finally end this'

They glanced to eachother before Y/N stood up. Trish sat there frozen before she raised her knees to her chest as she dropped the letter.

Glancing over to her Y/N raised an eye brow in confusion before coming over to her.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Trish: I'm... wondering, if he'd like me

Y/N: Why wouldn't he?

Trish: ...You're right, i'm just being paranoid.

He offered her a hand up, looking to his hand Trish took it before he pulled her to her feet. She didn't let go as they began walking, holding it tightly.

Y/N allowed this, walking out the house as they walked hand in hand to the shrine. Eventually reaching it she stopped, looking to Y/N.

Before she could say anything a gunshot rang out, hitting him in the stomach making her eyes widen.

Trish: Spice gi-

Someone dropped down, using their feet to plant the two into the ground. Reaching down they touched the mark on Y/N's neck.

Taking the arrow they stepped forward as the two struggled to get up, Rigatoni appeared and kneeled to the attacker, who wss revealed to be Kokabiel.

Kokabiel: So Y/N, i heard this arrow is like our old one you destroyed... i'll be using it for myself now

He shoved it into his chest, a dark light coming from him before a figure stood behind him as he looked at the downed two.

Kokabiel: Now it's time to take you two out

(Lemme know what you think)

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