Officially Orphans Again

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The house continued to shake

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The house continued to shake. Glass was shattering. Books and decor started to crash onto the floor. It was as if we were in an earthquake, but our earthquake was our sister. Klaus and I exited the room. Luther had stepped outside of Allison's room and Diego was already in the hallway.

"Yo, what the hell is going on?" Diego called from down the hall. Pogo was walking down the hallway.

"Are those explosions coming from-"

"Vanya." Pogo answered Klaus' question. "We need to get to safety outside the Academy."

"Then we better start leaving now." I informed them. "It looks like she's pissed and I don't want to be on the end of that."

Diego started to run, tugging at my arm. Klaus and I quickly followed after him.

"Don't forget Mom!" Luther told us before he went back into Allison's room.

"Yeah!" Diego yelled over his shoulder.

I bounded up the stairs two at a time. As I turned a corner, the intensity of the shaking grew. Pieces of the ceiling was starting to crumble. Multiple explosions came from our bedrooms. Seven explosions, one for each of us. My throat tightened at the thought of Vanya purposely blowing them up.

"Where is she?" Diego asked as we checked her room.

Larger chunks of plaster started to rain down. One fell a foot away from Diego. I scanned around the top floor for any signs of Mom.

"Mom!" Klaus called out.

"Mom!" Diego screamed as we ran to the other side of the layout.

"I can shadow travel and search the house for her." I quickly told them. "It's will be quicker. I'll see you outside, okay?"

"Fuck no!" Klaus grabbed a hold of my arm.

"Klaus is right, it's too dangerous for you to be traveling in the shadows." Diego added.

"But I can find Mom, and I can't get hurt in the shadows." I said as more powered plaster sprinkled over us.

"You've never been in the shadows while a building crumbles. We're not risking that." Diego started to go for the staircase. "Now let's go."

A large chunk fell on top of Klaus' head. He cried out and cradled the area with both of his hands. More chunks dropped from the ceiling, hitting Diego and I. I released a small cry as I felt the hard plaster smash onto the top of my head. The force sent all three of us to the ground.

La Sombra [Ben Hargreeves]Where stories live. Discover now