Chapter 2 (James)

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I watched my best friend Peter run into the end-zone with the football in his arms and then heard the announcer come on shouting "The Mermaid's score again!" and the band started playing and the cheerleaders did their fun cheers I couldn't help but look at the dwindling crowd our score was 49 to 0 so everyone had left knowing the Mermaids will win, I saw that we had just about two minutes left in the game so it was clear we won, the clock quickly ran down and we won, complete shutout game. After the band finished our victory song we all headed back to the buses where as soon as all of the football players got on the bus we had all been extremely wound up and I had slipped off my jersey so I could take off my pads, and then I put the jersey back on I was number 80, as soon as I sat down in my seat everyone of the cheerleaders also most of the band girls were trying to get the seat next to me or somewhere near me. All but one girl, her name was Mary-Jane or was it Carter-May I don't remember all I know is she has two first names and is a complete nerd, I mean come on she's in the marching band, in every single AP class and Academic club the school has to offer, reads all the time, and I swear her best friend is the band director, what's his name again ...oh who cares anyway. Peter picks up the cheerleader that had gotten the seat next to me and tossed her to Alex a different football player that had taken one of the marching band guys hats and wouldn't give it back, witch opened the seat next to me and before any girl could take it Peter sat down.

"Thanks dude" I said I normally didn't mind when the girls would sit next to me but today I'm seriously stressed out I have a huge test coming up in all my class, and if I make less then a B on any of them I won't be able to play in the next game.

"No problem I know that your stressed about that test, but why not just get a tutor I'm sure one of these girls will gladly tutor you, now it might end up more in making out two-seconds into the studying session, but they will tutor you" Peter said quiet enough where the girls wouldn't hear him but loud enough where I could.

"That's why I desperately need a tutor that doesn't have the hots for me like they do" I said at about the same volume level as him.

"So you need a dude tutor" he said. "We are on a bus with a group of band members and a lot are guys why not ask them?" he said, "I don't see why not they are almost on the same schedule as us."

"But they would never let me live it down, I'm just going to ask one of my teachers if they know someone who can tutor me for all of my classes, I'm sure at least one of them will know someone" I said and we pulled into the school parking lot, everyone had let the band off first since they have the most work to do, then the cheerleaders than the football players I didn't have anything I needed to take care of so I just walked over to my truck and waited for Peter to finish up what ever he had to. I saw ever band member leave but that nerd girl with two names till about the time Peter got to me, I saw her leaving with that band teacher. Peter and I just get into my truck, me driving of course, and we headed to the rich part of town, Peter and I have always been best friends I mean what do you expect we live right next to each other.

I pulled into my driveway and Peter went home and i walked into mine, leaving all my football stuff in the truck. I walked into my parents arguing again "Oh welcome home James, dinners in the microwave" my mother said as if I didn't hear them fighting, like they always do and she looked over at my father and mouthed something that looked along the lines of 'we'll continue this later.' I walked into the kitchen and pulled out my dinner and started eating it, nether one of my parents really care about me its more just like a custody battle and they both act like angels so if the court asks witch one of them is more suited to be my guardian that I would choose one over the other, even though I'm 17 they pretend like I don't know what's going on go. I look at the clock it said 11:00 PM so when I finished eating I went upstairs to go to bed and thats when they started arguing again like I can't hear them.

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