Chapter 22 (James)

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A few months, now summer vacation, have passed and we've had such a great time going on tons of dates, I have to go with my mom to her jury duty today to make sure I don't do anything bad, I really wish I was able to talk to MK, I miss her so much. I put on a white dress shirt and black dress pants and my purple tie that MK had gotten for me, along with my black dress shoes. I went downstairs and instantly my mom was pulling me out of the house, my parents still haven't gotten a divorce surprisingly.

We got to the court house quickly and I just decide to walk around and a pair of arms were thrown around my neck from behind me causing me to freak out so I elbowed who ever it was into the stomach and all I heard was the sweet voice of my MK "Hi to you too" I don't know why she puts up with me sometimes she must hate me right now.

"Shit!" I shouted and turned around throwing my arms around her gently trying not to hurt her again, "I'm so sorry, love I didn't mean to hurt you ever, I'm so sorry, I'm an idiot, how bad are you hurt?" I'm so worried about her.

"I'm fine just hurts a bit" she said still holding her stomach but she looked up at me and kissed my nose, like nothing was wrong "what are you doing here?"

"Mom has jury duty, and I can ask you the same thing" I said and I refused to let her out of my arms.

"You'll find out soon" she said smiling but she always says that I don't know why it makes me a bit mad but well I never want to push her.

"You always say that" I was now pouting I really did want to know the truth.

"Well, today is the end of all of it, and I have to go find someone the guy are here talk with them" she said sweetly I didn't relies the guys were here so I let her go I can't ever keep her from doing what she wants its her.

"Fine, I'll see you later love" I said I do wanna see the guys as soon as I can maybe they have some information on all of this.

"Bye" she said and ran off to find who ever it was and I went to find the guys but it wasn't that hard the were all sitting at the fountain.

"What are you all here for" I asked them.

"MK won't tell us" Sam said lost cause on figuring it out.

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