Chapter 1

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* skip if you want to skip to smut it starts on chapter 8*

Roger, Roger Fucking Taylor

The crowded room was filled with a thumping beat and swaying bodies, I stood close to the stage. A drink clutched in my right hand and my other reaching toward the sky. A messy mop of blonde hair was flying across the drum kit, his hand moved at the speed of light across each drum the beat running through my bones. He looked into the audience, smirking as I made eye contact with him his toned arms flexing with every dramatic hit on the snare. I blushed, a dusty pink covering my cheeks as he smirked again hitting the final beat on the drum. 

"Hey, hey, hey!" the singer shouted as they finished their set, the band were electric as they played. Their talent was buzzing through the air, despite my thoughts of their drummer I couldn't help but be captivated by their singer. His unique outfit and fluid movement across the floor. As I heard the cymbals ring to signify the end of their final song the band began to take their bows. The drummer threw his sticks into the audience earning adoring screams from young girls. 



All it earned from me was an eyeroll. I huffed and made my way to the bar trying to push through the tightly packed, jostling crowd of bodies.  I had decided to become more independent since my last partner, hence why I was alone at band night. The bartender slammed down a drink in front of me, the pink liquid sloshing in the fancy glass. I began to speak

"I didn't ord-"

"Gentlemen at the end of the bar" he pointed to an older man perched on a bar stool, his slicked back hair shone greasily under the harsh light coming from the stage. I smiled a tight lipped smile as I raised my glass with a grimace. Lights began to glitter in the crowed room , the sparkles on my navy jumpsuit I had opted for danced in the soft light. I had just finished fashion school, and I loved nothing more than absorbing outfits around me to try and draw inspiration. I was absorbed by my thoughts about my next project and hardly heard the screams and cheers as the band walked out into the bar. What seemed like thousands immediately crowed around them, they were all instantly engulfed into the abyss. Despite my platforms I stood on my tiptoes to desperately try get a closer look at them, all I could see was what looked like a poodle, two long heads of hair and a familiar messy blonde mop. I heard some pushing and shoving as a man collapsed onto the bar next to me,

"A gin darling, please make it snappy. I'm dying here" He had gorgeous hair to his shoulders and wore the most fantastic golden embezzled top that twinkled in the pale room. He looked at me his grey pupils piercing my soul, then he broke into a smile and exclaimed

"Darling! Where did you get that jacket? It is fabulous! You simply must tell me, come and sit with the band"

Before I knew what was happening he had grabbed my hand and dragged me across the floor to a closed off private room, three other boys sat slumped across the couches. They chatted and laughed quietly in the closed off room, seeming exhausted by the attention.  The guy with poodle hair, another man with long hair and the growingly familiar messy mop of blonde hair. They all sat up when they saw me, the blonde haired one throwing another cocky smirk my way that caused my face to heat up. He noticed and his smile grew wider.

He spoke, his voice smooth "Who you got with you Fred?"

"OH Gosh. Sorry I am terribly rude, this is... I'm sorry darling I never actually asked your name" he exclaimed with a kind smile. 

"Evelyn, But you can call me Evie" I said a grin spreading across my face

"Well Evie, I have to say darling. I simply love your jacket, where on earth does this heavenly designer live?"

"Eh I actually made it myself, I have just finished studying fashion" I smiled again, stumbling over my words a little. 

" Oh Evie, I should probably introduce you. Brian, John and the infamous Roger" Freddie gestured to each one as Brain and John both gave a small wave, Roger rolled his eyes.

"Infamous?" I questioned. "I'm sure for all the wrong reasons" I teased him, the alcohol making me slightly giggly

He raised his eyebrows a smirk crossing his face "I can be good when I need to be"


Hours of conversation had passed as I sat with the band, everything about them was captivating. They told me stories I will never forget; Freddie and I spoke about fashion, Brian told me all about his astrophysics and building instruments and John and I spoke about electrical engineering. Roger and I teased each other all night long, he was very smooth and extremely flirty, clearly used  to having every girl's attention all of the time. He constantly tried to stretch his arm over my shoulder. I pushed him off casually, earning roars of laughter from the rest of the band and a disappointed look from Rog.

"So Evie" Roger slurred, growing increasingly drunk "We know nothing about you, what if you are an imposter?"

"How dare you Meddows!" I gasped

"Don't you dare call me that Evelyn" he said sternly with a glint in his eye. I grinned back, my tongue poking the inside of my cheek. 

"What do you wanna know... Ask away. Meddows"

"Evelyn" he paused, thinking  "what is your last name?"

"My name is Evelyn Lily. Mr Meddows, my parents were very spiritual. I got a sort of hippie name"

"Well DARLING, I Think it is utterly beautiful. Nearly as beautiful as this jacket" Cried Fred as he swayed around the room, flouncing proudly in my outrageous jacket.

"I've got to admit its a pretty cool name" Agreed Brian, he sat in the corner plucking out a soft rhythm on his guitar. and humming gently

"A pretty cool name, for a pretty cool girl" Rog said sweetly, earning a groan from the rest of the group 

"God, leave the poor girl alone Roger" Brian sighed 

I scoffed "Give it a break Meddows"

The band howled with laughter, Brian and John raising their eyebrows as if in silent exchange of conversation as Freddie clapped his hands doubled over with laughter . I wiped a stray tear from the side of my face as Roger sat on the large couch pouting and looking utterly defeated his bright eyes boring in to mine. I sighed as I glanced at the silver watch resting on my wrist. I gathered my bag from the couch and stood up from the large armchair. I stood up swaying a little with the effort it took to steadying my dizzying vision. 

"Thank you so much for having me all, but I have work tomorrow. Bright and early" I smiled "It has been lovely meeting you all thank you for allowing me to let my hair down again"

"I'll walk you out" Roger stood up, earning a whistle from John and Brian. He grabbed my arm, attempting to 'steady' himself. I rolled my eyes and grinned at him as the rest of the band waved goodbye to me 

We walked through the nearly deserted bar, a soft chiming music sounding in the background as Roger tapped his hand to the beat. As we walked past a booth a pretty blonde girl said in an infuriatingly high pitched Barbie voice

"Hey Roger"

He nodded at her curtly as we continued to walk in a comfortable silence. We reached the outside door and he dropped my arm only to push open the door for me. I walked past him looking in to the deep velvet of the midnight sky that was scattered with twinkling dots of stars. 

"Are you sure you'll be okay getting home alone?" a slightly worried tone coating his soft voice.

"I'll be just fine Meddows, don't worry. Goodnight" I planted a soft kiss on his cheek and clopped away in my glittering platforms. Leaving Roger standing shaking his head and grinning.

I thought that'd be the last time I saw Roger Taylor, boy was I wrong.

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now