Chapter 32

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"I-I dont understand" I managed to stutter out, Roger's hand was placed protectively on my thigh. As he stared coldly at Paul's slimy smirk

"Harmony what the hell do you think you are doing?" My dad said through gritted teeth, his face turning red. She smiled at him shrugging her shoulders

"I brought my man to lunch dad. Just as we discussed" she gestured at Paul who had an arm wrapped smugly around her waist.

"We just didn't realise you were bringing...him" he growled narrowing his eyes at her. She smiled back sweetly her eyes glinting maliciously. She shot me a look that was a mixture of triumph and amusement. Rogers hand was gripping on to my thigh, his fingers leaving white imprints. I could feel his anger radiating as he sat in silence out of respect for my parents. Paul cleared his throat and spoke

"If I may-"

"You may not" my dad muttered. Paul didn't seem to notice.

"I know Evelyn and I have had our differences in the past" he paused

"That is one way to put it" Roger growled, his hand gripping me tighter as I placed my arm over his forearm to get him to ease his grip, he dipped his eyes to me apologetically.

"I believe we should put it behind us and simply move on. Harmony and I are just perfect for each other" he wrapped his arm around her tighter and kissed her slimy on the lips. The sight made my stomach turn

"Please Birdie?" Harmony pleaded. I was in a mess of emotions, I had finally started to get over the incident with Paul and now he was back in my life. I didn't know what to do. Roger was fuming beside me, his grip on my thigh was so tight again now it nearly hurt.

"I-I don't know" I managed to push out

"Birdie!" Harmony whined. A smirk was still plastered on Paul's face. I dragged a deep breath though my chest. Closing my eyes and remembering what I had worked through with my therapist. I reopened my eyes and blinked twice before stating calmly

"Fine" with a tight smile on my lips

"Are you sure Evie?" My mum said her piercing eyes showing concern, her and my dad flickered concerned glances at each other.

"Yeah. It's fine" I smiled again, huddling closely into Roger, his grip finally loosening as I melted into him

"Then it's settled" Harmony said slinking in to her seat. Dragging Paul down to sit next to her. He threw me a smug glance that made my stomach churn, i quickly avoided looking anywhere near him.My father was sitting silently in the corner, his rage simmering as he stared Paul down. My mother tried to rectify the situation

"Evie, how is your fashion designing going? I heard you have a new line coming out" She said rather awkwardly, reaching over to grab a slice of baguette.

"Eh, yeah I do. I've got some good ideas that I hope people will like. Everyone seemed to love the costumes I designed for the boys tour, as they grow in popularity I seem to as well"

"I loved the jacket you made for Roger" My mum said smiling at my enthusiasm "The pink embroidered one"

"I have to disagree" Harmony's voice sounded "I think you were just lucky Roger is gorgeous enough to pull it off. It would have looked disgraceful otherwise" she said curtly. I rolled my eyes at her childish antics, not giving her the satisfaction of my anger.

"I personally loved it" Roger said simply squeezing my hand.

"Evie, want to help me in the kitchen?" my mum said, saving me from the table's tense atmosphere. I followed her quickly to the situation thanking her graciously. I tied my hair up, throwing on one of my mother's handmade quilted aprons.

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat