Chapter 14

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I was lying next Roger, his arm was draped over my stomach as we lay together in the nest of cushions he had created in the back of the van. I glanced at the watch resting on my wrist


I roughly shook Roger's shoulder in order to wake him, he grumbled and growled angrily in to the nest of pillows. Burrowing himself deeper in to the comfy pile. I picked up the pillow nearest to me and hit him over the head with it. I rummaged around in the pile where Roger still lay grumbling softly. I fished out the keys and jingled them happily, climbing in to the drivers seat of the car and slotting the keys in to the ignition. Before turning it and revving the engine. Roger shot up in the back of van, not dressed he desperately clamoured over the seats to the front just as I stepped on the gas. The car curved back on to the road quickly.

"Evie, what the hell are you doing?" Roger said tiredly ruffling his hair "I am the one who drives" he pouted

"I think you can make an exception after the performance last night" I said smirking cockily at him. He leaned back on the seat a similar smirk crossing his face.

"Fine but you have to make it up to me later" he winked

"you know I never disappoint" I laughed back trying my best to concentrate on driving us back despite a nearly naked Roger sitting teasingly next to me.


We squealed back in to last night's venue, the boys had a night of to recover. It was one of the few nights when they got to relax. But I had to work to finish, some of my new designs. These were by far the most outrageous ideas I had ever had. I was putting Freddie in a bright red sparkly playsuit. That had a ridiculously low neckline, it was tight and outlined Freddie's signature bulge very well. John would be in a white silk shirt with a black blazer. He was more in to keeping it simple, but I wanted to put in in a pair of tight trousers to push his limits a little. I knew he would be a little uncomfortable, but I also knew he would look incredible. Brian was next, I needed to finish off a pair of white flares that were embroidered with flowers and various dainty objects. I was hoping the naturistic aspect would distract Brian from what he was actually wearing. Roger was the final design, I had him in simply a flowery blazer that was paired with black, tight, silky trousers. That accentuated him in all the right places, that I'm sure would come in handy later that night. He was going to look divine. This was the final rotation of outfits I needed to finish and then the immense load of sewing would be over and I would just need to be on hand during concerts. Although if I wished to leave for a week or two Chris would be able to hold down the fort. My thoughts were rudely interrupted as Brian crashed through the door of the trailer, he was breathless and red in the face.

"E-E-Evie. You have to come and see the new trailer" He paused breathing deeply "It's huge" He grabbed me by the hand and dragged me out of the door confused and a little dizzy. He ran quickly across the courtyard, my legs had to do double time to keep up with his lengthy steps. He burst through the door of the new cabin. It was large and luscious. It had a newly fitted kitchen, along with cream, plush cushions.

"Roger's room is the one at the end dear" Freddie called quickly from the new kitchen where he was desperately trying to boil an egg without burning the trailer down. I walked down to the end of the hall and edged open the door, it creaked lightly. Roger lay on the bed in just his underwear, a large bulge very obvious. He looked up as he saw me and put his hands behind his head watching as my eyes scoured him hungrily.

"Like what you see Evelyn?"  

"You're such a cocky git"

"lucky that you love me then isn't it?" I flung myself at him pinning his arms above his head. I kissed him hungrily trailing all the way down to the band on his underwear. I stopped and looked up innocently at him. Then I ever so softly ran my tongue over his hardening dick. I smirked up watching as his head fell back in pleasure, he moaned my name quietly. I ran my hand teasingly around anywhere that wasn't his cock. I then followed the same trail back up to meet his lips. My hands tugged at his hair hard enough for him to swear. We both immediately broke apart as Freddie's delighted face burst through the door frame.

(SMUT) Lily Of The Valley - Roger Taylor/Ben Hardy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now